I am a big fan of RWBY, its a chinese cartoon that was made by my mom. I was watching the episode "Hitler buttfucks Weiss" I said to myself "By golly, this isnt available on club penguin, im reporting it to Obama." I said, then a note popped out of thin air and said "Dear Kim Jong Un, It is my duty to inform you that Team RWBY from that chinese cartoon you like is actually actually actually actually actually a spooky ghost who wants to eat you! -From your pizza delivery man, Donald Trump" I wet my pants and jerked off to the hentai for 9.236305729572 seconds until a hand grabbed my penis. It was Ruby Rose! from RWBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 She is my quickscoping idol and i waet to be a good quickscoper like her. I said "Where are the others, i must rub my penis on their noses" but Ruby then said in a voice that was almondous and sinister and only a madman could say, she said creepily "I took them out for a nuce lunch at McDonalds" and in an almondous 0.69360420666911 seconds Rubys eyes became i hyperrealistic black and hyperrealistic blood shot out of her boobs. i screamed for my lord and savior Shrek and i went to grab my quickscoper gun when it broke and a Nicholas Cage head shot out. I sharted myself as Ruby pulled out her spooky scythe, but  that was a Nicholas Cage head too. I sharted myself as Ruby pulled out her spooky scythe, but that was a Nicholas Cage head too. I was running down a black hall, when i bumped into a almondous figure, it was Nicholas Cage. Nicholas Cage said "Ruby my slave, fuck him right in the pussy" Ruby said in her spoopy voice "Yes Master" and she went to tear apart my butthole with a didlo which magically popped into her hand. It reminded me of my experience with Shrek when i was only 9 years old, but then my crush came, It was Jeff the Killer, eek
(sorry i was gone because i was wanking off to Jeff)
Jeff the Killer said with his totally not a heath ledger Joker smile "GO TO SLEEP" but then Nicholas Cage stole his limited editon Golden Lego and Jeff cried and Nicholas Cage chased me away, Ruby was about to kill me when a almondous figure came out of the shadows, it was Evil Patrixxx! Evil Patrixxx was singing "Big Young Cash Money Dawg idiot" by Little Wang, when Ruby lowered on her hands and nees to hail her lord and savior Evil Patrixxx. Evil Patrixxx then said "DIE!" and He killed me as hyperrealistic blood shot everywhere!
Well i have to go to school to fuck Boogie2988 so the end