
I loved Arthur since I was a little kid and I still watch it to this day, but now I have a change of heart about it. I wanted to see more episodes that are old so I downloaded a few videos . then I found an episode I wasn't sure of called ratburn . jpg so I downloaded it. after downloading I wanted to watch ratburn . jpg . the intro had changes the part with mr ratburn was cut out. after that it skipped to the title card but it had no funny things in the hole. no Arthur no characters it was called mr ratburn. why would they name it that?. the episode started at school everyone was called out except Arthur. Arthur looked angry then mr ratburn came in and said 'Arthur you flunked the test' suddenly Arthur yelled 'WHAT!!'. it was ear splitting then I saw something obscure, Arthur suddenly got a knife and mr ratburn said' no please stop AAAAAAAAH!!!'. Arthur stabbed mr ratburn over and over until blood came out his mouth then the episode ended I was terrified I didn't watch it anymore. I also contacted the staff of cinar to say why they made a snuff episode like that they were crazy but they didn't answer back. I undownloaded it but if you find it don't download it okay.