
I used to like Rayman,but I don't play his video games anymore and here is why.
It all happened when I got box saying:'Dear Kyle,destroy the disc.-love Stan'
So I popped up the disc and I played the game.It was Rayman 1 but there was blood everywhere.
I played as Betilla first.
She could only move and jump.
Once I got to Rayman,he said:'Wanna play game?'
I said yes and it showed dead Betilla with hyperrealistic blood and gore then it showed Rayman with red eyes and sinister smile.
I later played as magician.
He had AK-47 and it was changed to first person shooter and once I shot Rayman three times,he said:'YOU RETARD!You think you can kill me,I am immortal!'
Then he killed magician.
I played now Mr.Dark.
He was actually scared instead of serious.
Once I went to Mr.Dark's Dare and I fought against Rayman again then I hit him 10 times,but he didn't get hurt.
Instead of being covered in blood,Mr.Dark was gone and Rayman said:'We will see each other next time,but I have surprise!'
I said:'Behind you.' and I saw Rayman doll behind me and it almost killed me I ripped it apart and I destroyed the disc.
Rayman said:'DAMN YOU,MORTAL!'
So I stopped playing Rayman and I can't forget what happened to me.
If you see game like this,destoy the disc.