
In 2011, my friend and I decided to start making video games. I had always loved programing and my friend was a good artist. We made a game called "Jump to the Death". It was a pretty bad game, but back then we thought it was a masterpiece. Therefore we decided to post it to the internet. We made a website called "*LINK CONTAINED VIRUSES*". It was supposed to be called "", but we misspelled it. We posted the game on the website for $4. For a long time no one bought the game. My friend and I started working on more games.
In 2012 someone finally bought the game! It was only $4, but my friend and I were insanely happy! The guy who had bought the games email address was "". We send the game and received the money. Three months after Realtext had bought the game, we got an email. It was from Realtext. He/she wrote:
''Dear ExplodingBananNa, I played your game and something was very wro''
''ng. He is going for you. Change your name. Fast! ~Realtext, the Grammarnazi''
We thought it was a joke of course. Our name was misspelled and Realtext called himself a "Grammarnazi". We did get just a tiny bit scared though. We were not very old after all. We just kept on making games. On December 21st 2013, we had five games on our site. All of them had a decent amount of downloads (they were free), but Jump to the Death had still only been bought once. This day we received another mail from Realtext:
''Dear ExplodingBananNa He is angry. Joes Dragon Rescue made him mad. The intro is not right. Change it. Or face the consequences. You have been warned. ~Realtext, the Grammarnazi''
We got really confused by the mail. We both had almost forgotten about Realtext. Joe's Dragon Rescue was our most popular game. It had almost one hundred downloads. The intro was a simple slideshow of pictures with text showing the simple story. We did not want to change the intro and even if we did, it was not possible. We had lost the source file. My friend thought it maybe had something to do with the grammar in the intro. The intro was very poorly written. We are both not very good at English. That 
was probably it. Realtext was just joking again. It was just still weird. We decided to search for Realtext on Google.
The only thing we found was his YouTube channel. The channel icon was a red "R" inside of a golden rectangle. The channel banner had his logo, with the text "Eliminate grammar misuse" written above it and the text "For a better world" written below. My friend and I thought it was kind of creepy, but we decided to look at the channel description. It said:
''My goal is to track down and eliminate any kind of grammar misuse. Please report any kind of grammar misuse to me. I want to clean the internet.''
My friend and I were pretty scared at this point. My friend thought it would be a good idea to check out Realtexts videos. I did not like the idea, but I did not want to be a coward. He only had one video. It was simply titled "Q&A" ( The questions in the video were:
''Q: Why should we eliminate grammar misuse?''
''A: The internet is corrupt. No one is safe. Our language is being destroyed.''
''Q: What do you do with people who misuse grammar?''
''A: Get rid of them.''
''Q: How do I report someone to you?''
''A: Send me a message over YouTube.''
''Thank you for helping me save the world.''
My friend and I decided to close the PC. We were both shaking a bit. We went for a walk with my dog in the forest to calm of. While walking I felt like something was watching us. It was watching us from behind the trees. My friend looked like he could feel it too.
Suddenly my dog started barking. It ran around in circles, like it was chasing its own tail. It kept on running until it fell on the ground. It had foam around its mouth and kept on moving its legs like crazy. It seemed like it had difficulties breathing.
I picked the dog up, and my friend and I ran towards my home. Our parents should be home soon. When we finally came home, my dog had stopped moving. It almost seemed like it was dead. When my parents came, we quickly drove the dog to the vet. The vet gave my dog medication and luckily it survived. The vet told us the dog had been poisoned.
When we came home again, my friend and I told my parents about Realtext. They both got kind of nervous, but did not really believe us. Therefore we showed them the emails and the YouTube channel. We could see they both were scared. They told us to report him to the police.
The police did not really seem to believe us, but promised to come to our house. The police did not come for a very long time. We got kind of nervous and called the police again. The phone had no connection. We all got kind of scared.
Then we heard a weird sound coming from our entrance door. It sounded like a click. We all went to the door, to see what had made the sound. We saw nothing. We tried opening the door. It was locked. My dad went to the locker, where we keep our keys. The locker was open and the keys were gone. Inside of the locker there was a piece of paper. On the paper someone had written:
''Dear ExplodingBananNa''
''You did not listen.''
''You decided not to listen.''
''I warned you.''
''You did not listen.''
''You will face the consequences.''
''~Realtext the Grammarnazi''
My dad showed the paper to the rest of the family. We were all in shock. My mom almost started crying. Realtext was in our house. We had to get out, before it was too late.
We heard a weird screeching sound from our living room. Everyone turned their head towards the dark living room. We saw a shadow moving in there. The shadow of something. Our dog started growling. My dad went to our kitchen, to get his gun. He did not find any gun. Instead he found another piece of paper. On the paper SOMETHING had written:
''Dear ExplodingBananNa''
''First I will take your dog.''
''I will enjoy its blood like pork.''
''Then you will be next.''
''I am not only writing text.''
''You WILL face the consequences.''
''~Realtext the Grammarnazi''
Now we had had enough. My dad took my mom's expensive Chinese vase and threw it at our window. The window and the vase exploded into millions of pieces. Luckily no one got hit.
We ran towards the window. We all tried to get out of the window as fast as we could. While I was climbing out of the window, I heard a loud screech behind me and felt some kind of claw drilling into my leg. I panicked and kicked backwards. It felt like I hit something. The claw let me go and I jumped out of the window.
I fell to the ground. My family had been waiting for me. My dog was saved too. My dad had taken it with him out of the house. We all started running towards the police station. When we arrived, we ran into the the station and closed the door behind us.
We contacted a policeman and told him about our situation. He told us they had not received our call. We were all shaking. He contacted some other policemen. They promised to investigate our house. Thirty minutes later, the policemen came back. The only suspicious thing they had seen, was the broken window. Nothing weird was in the house. The policemen let us sleep in the station, because we were too scared to go back at night.
The next day the policemen drove us back to our house. We got our window repaired and everything was normal. Our keys and dad's gun were back. My friend and I turned on my PC and changed our website from "*LINK CONTAINED VIRUSES*" to "*LINK CONTAINED VIRUSES*".
Just to be safe.

Update 1:

It is now one week ago since all of this happened. My friend and I are not going to stop making games, but we are going to use spell check. That is for sure. If anything weird happens, I will write another update.
''Written by HansFromDenmark''