

= Pre-Face: =

We all know of Redstone. You know, the red stuff from the game Minecraft. You can build things with it. You can even build contraptions, that use things redstone work like wires! Though redstone not work perfectly like wires though.
If you have played Minecraft you have probably touched redstone one way or the other. But have you sat down to question The Redstone? How this magical "powder" in rocks is able to carry "signals" through them? Well, you probably haven't, but I have, I have questionionet it. And what I found was horrifying. Put on your tin hats folks, because now we dive into the world of redstone.

= Face: =

First I'll start off where most people find redstone for the first time: In ores.You mine the redstone and pick it up. But something special about redstone is that it lights up... As you mine it. Odd i thought. But when i questioned my friends, they where like "I don't know I went along wit it" they said. It also breaks into many redstone. Again, odd, I thought to myself. No other ores do this... Again, again, my friends thought nothing of it. Now, after you've mined the redstone you probably use it. You can make things with it: Redstone torches, ect.. You put doawn the redstone and it does nothing. If you try to destory it, it breaks immediadly. If you put a redstone torch next to it it lights up. Again, odd. Now here comes my theory.
Redstone is Notches blood. Yes. But it isn't just Notches blood it's SENTIENT BLOOD! ACTUALLY IT IS PARASITIC SENTIENT BLOOD! You know, you mine the redstone, it breaks into many redstone. These redstone are in there first stage of evolution. They redstone find host (which is stone) and latch on to stone and reproduce. Then Notch spawn (you) mine it, and the process start over again. Guys. We need to stop using redstone. Soon it will turn on is. Soon it will overtake us, ending the age of humans in Minecraft. Right now redstone is everywhere. Any moment now they could turn on us. I'm scared even as i type this that they might get me. They wont let me puplish this omg i nede to go fast it s coming for em sdawsdawPUPLISJ