
I was walking down the street one night after going to the store when I was approached by a guy who smelled of dead mice and beer. He tried to  give me a copy of Ocarina of Time 'Should I really?' I thought, I knew not to take it because it was the best decision but then I heard a voice "Take the game!" "WHO... WHO WAS THAT?!?!?!" I yelled out into the sky like a maniac "I'm the author of this story.You may not understand but I can prove it to you." The voice said "Show me." Then the sky turned red and bloody "Okay now I understand" I said, the old man was looking at me as if I was more crazy then he was. "Okay I'll take the game." I said "And author could you change the sky back?" I asked "Sure, it was to edgey anyways." Answered the author.
I finally got home to play the game and "Wait... I don't have an N64... " I realized "Just go on Ebay and buy it or something." Said the author "Ok... I guess." I went on my computer and looked on Ebay "Ooh ooh that one!" Said the author "What you mean the one that says totally not spooky?" I asked "Yeah!" The author replied "This is way out of my price ra-"Conveniently your new paycheck happens to be one million dollars!!!" Said the author. I paid, and I'm still waiting
Two Weeks Later
The package finally arrived and I set it up. I put Ocarina of Time. Everything was normal till I got to the select screen, there was one file "Bennette" then the sudden realization hit me... "Is this story a ripoff of Ben Drowned?" I said "What? I have no idea what... Ben Drowned is... Heh heh." Said the author nervously "Let me make a new file." I said, and everything went as I expected, you know except "You shouldn't've done that" and "You've met a terrible fate" it's "I never did that" and "You've fell down a dark path" "YOU KNOW I COULD JUST DELETE EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY WITH THE PUSH OF A BUTTON!!!" Said the author in a burst of rage. Suddenly everything started to disappear, I thought it was the end until I remembered "Characters that can break the 4th wall can do things that break all logic!" I said "Oh crud I made him a 4th wall breaker. I shouldn't've done that!" (Heh get it... Cause its a refrence... Eh... Okay fine.) Then I used my abilities to bring everything back. "You forgot I'm like the god of this world, I have total control." And suddenly everything disappeared, I'm currently writing this while I'm in purgatory, help... Please?.. Anyone?
To Be Continued