

There once was a boy named Robert,he was what you would call a loner. He locked himself in his room all day, he never opened his blinds, his only friend was his teddy bear he got at 5 years old. He named him “Mario” after his favorite video game character, so what happened to him?. Well what you are about to read might be disturbing to some viewers, turn back now if you are easily scared. Anyway let's go.

The story 

Nick webster was a photo-journalist for the DNP (Danville news paper). he wrote tons of murder stories for the paper, this was his biggest case yet. He was sent to the snowy mountains to look for proof of robert. He left at 2:00 am, due to many interuptions (blizzards, snow storms, etc). He finally arrived at 12:00 pm on a monday, so he was given a log cabin to stay in till the investigation was over, he decided to go to sleep after countless nights of worry that the plane might crash in which he couldn't sleep due to night terrors. So anyway he laid down he got 2 hours of sleep till something woke him up, he looked outside his window and there was a tall figure wielding some sort of weapon. Preferably some sort of axe, so he decided to check it out. He put on a robe slowly turned the doorknob, walked outside and no one was there. So he went to bed, he got 10 hours of sleep. He looked outside his window, he seen the figure again but this time with a different
Weapon. So he went back outside to see what his deal was, he walked up to him and seen what he looked like. He was 7'8ft and 474lbs, he was wearing a gas mask but it looked sort of rusted and bent. The murderer gave him a quick chop with his axe, Nick was unconcious. When he woke up he was in some sort of basement, but with small skulls hanging from the ceiling and multiple organs splattered all over the wall. So then the mysterious man came back with a brief case, he opened it up and there were multiple torture tools in there. He got out a saw, he started cutting Nick first his fingers, then his arms. Nick was feeling sick, Nick plead for mercy. He was merciless, he proceded to cut off nicks head. And ripped his skull out off his head. Nick was found dead buried in the snow 2 months after his death at the hand of robert, he lies in the local danville cemetary. But robert was never found nor was any other houses found in the snowy mountains, but the people who sent nick over there know he's out there somewhere.