
I liked Robotnik. I think he is really sexy and stuff. So, I decided to download a Robotnik game. It was called Robotnik.exe. I started to play it. Sonic was squeezing out a large fat turd into the toilet. He finally managed to squeeze it out of his tight butt cheeks and it fell into the water with a plop.
The toilet water splashed on his ass and Sonic yelled in the Jaleel White voice, "AW FUCK!".
Tails heard him yell and walked into the bathroom.
"What's wrong, Son--"
Before Tails could finish his sentence, he smelled the shit stinking from the toilet and died.
I vomited all over my computer because of that lasagna Jon baked me before using rotten cheese.
Anyways, Robotnik came into the bathroom and said, "Pingas".
Sonic said, "Fuck off Robotdick".
Robotic then slapped Sanic with his ultra mega super duper large dick and Sun Nick died.
Then, I pooped myself and the poop flooded the room with poop emojis.
I am Proto.
I give up. Fucking finish the story on your own, Carl.
Jimmy's mom is hot.