
I'm sure you've all heard of the genre of animation called anime. I bet you have some favorites, Shrek, Cory in the House, The Nutshack, Wild Grinders, etc. All anime average fans of it like. But I was no average everyday weeaboo. I was a super weeaboo. I liked obscure anime like Super Mario Super Show, Sausage Party, Filthy Frank, Pamtri, SeinfeldSpitstain, CBoyardee, and many more that hardcore anime fans wouldn't know about.
But there was one in particular that I liked out of all of them.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
It featured a handsome blue anthropomorphic hedgehog named Sonic and his hot two-tailed fox friend, Tails. The main villain was an evil dictator named Dr. Robotnik. He was super hot. I'd jack off to his sexy mustache and fat ass every time he came on screen.
I went even more far with my obsession and devotion towards the fat evil dictator by making a religion for him called Robotnikanity. I joined Robotnik fan clubs on DeviantArt and even went trick-or-treating as him (I had to gain 100 pounds to do it, but it was so worth it).
Anyways, I found out my friend died of poop and went to his funeral. He was there, lifeless and dead, covered in shit. Flies swarmed around his corpse and smelled the shit.
One fly said, "Holy fucking shit, this guy stinks like my mother!".
I saw something sticking out his butt cheeks. It was a CD case covered in feces and cum stains. I decided to steal it and stuck it up my ass.
When the funeral ended, I drove him. The CD case was still in my tight anus.
As I immediately got home, I teleported into the house (because I am a sayian) and took out the CD inside the case. It had "Pingas.exe" on it written in shit brown marker. I slammed it into my laptop's CD tray, breaking the thing, and let it install into my computer.
I double-clicked the pingas.exe icon on my SpongeBob SquarePants rule 34 desktop background.
It began with Robotnik pounding Scratch, that chicken robot thing, up the ass.
With every fuck, Scratch laughed like he did on the show.
My dick grew 10 inches and knocked over the laptop.
It broke.