One tiem wen i was litlee i had a house and it was big. it was large and big and a gauy came in and came and said to me "GO AWAY". I said "no this house is my house" and he said okay and i said bye and i left. i went upstairs and the man followed me and it was scaree and he told me to get in his van. i said "nO I DONT WANT TO" and he said "i haev candee" and i said "yay" and i went to the van and i went in the van and i ate candy in the van.
the man said "whaer do u live" and i said "at hell" and he said "oh god" and he slamedddd on the breaks and he fell through the car and died. i got to leave and said "yay" and went to a market and i got good food. it was good and i liked it but oh no!!!!!!!!!
the ice creeeem was not good and i looked and it was blood!!!!
and there were bugs and it was poison.
so b careful wen eating ice creem.
it will kill u.