
Ok so i was an intern at Moocroserft.
Then i saw a file, it was called SCAT.exe. I opened it and "I'm a Scatman" by Scatman John blasted through the speakers. Epic fail flashed on the screen and i had a Sezuire.
The next morning, while eating Letter soup, (In a soupcan, of course.) suddenly, the letters turned into something...
Suddenly, i started bursting out "I'm a Scatman." And ran around naked going "BEEEBOPBEEEBABOPBOP, BABOPBABEBOP" Over and over and i got arrested for public nudity.
I went to my cell. And i listened to the radio.
You never guess what came on?
Justin Bieber.
I died of Bieber poison.
HAHHAHA just kiddin' this Pasta aint' ending yet!
So, as i was saying.
Scatman came on, so then i screamed at the bars 'BEEEBOOPPBEEBABOP." So i got tazered and put in a padded cell.
Then i heard Scatman in my head.
Then i blew up.
Le bloody freakin' end.