''This trollpasta has been renamed in protest of [ a recent bullshit decision by Fandom which relates to the original title]''

Item #:


Object Class:

Rejects labels

Special Containment Procedures:

Foundation personnel must refrain at all times from describing SCP-0000-FANDOM in objective or scientific terms. Because of this, no physical description of the object can be given here. Personnel must only refer to SCP-0000-FANDOM using pronouns the object chooses, or else the object will cause a K-class End-of-the-World Scenario (maybe).
In addition, personnel must refrain from expressing political beliefs contrary to what SCP-0000-FANDOM believes while within earshot of the object, or else the object will ban you from Site-19 become very angry and hurt people. When in doubt, just make jokes about United States President Donald Trump, as our experiments have shown this to be one of the only safe forms of political expression while around SCP-0000-FANDOM.


SCP-0000-FANDOM is an Apache gunship a Sapient anomalous being captured by the Foundation at an American liberal arts college in 2015, and that's pretty much all we can say about it/him/her/them/zer/xer/you'll.
SCP-0000-FANDOM may or may not have physical properties and behaviors.
SCP-0000-FANDOM might be a Keter object able to destroy the entire world. Then again the object may just be completely powerless but either way we can't question it.

Appendix A:

An actual description of SCP-0000-FANDOM can be found in archived versions of this document. However, only select personnel are permitted to view such information. Requesting to see this information may result in termination.

Appendix B:

Senior Director Thompson wishes to log his comments here for the record.
''I am deeply troubled by this Foundation's practices regarding SCP-0000-FANDOM. We are supposed to be a scientific entity, yet our personnel are being forbidden to communicate using any remotely scientific context regarding this object. Even if using objective descriptors within hearing of the object is dangerous, that shouldn't mean our containment documents should also be scrubbed.''
''I am also disturbed by rumors that SCP-0000-FANDOM may not even be anomalous at all, but simply insisted on being contained because he/she/it/they wishes to feel special.''
''What has gotten into everyone? Why is everyone pretending to be okay with all this? Why are agents tasked with capturing and containing dangerous Keter objects that could transmutate them into three-eyed lizards, hardened personnel who have shown themselves not be afraid of anything under the sun, suddenly terrified to speak out and describe a single object in the most basic of rationale terms? Why are even the upper-echelons of O5 Command afraid to challenge the object on its ridiculous demands?''
Note: Director Thompson has been placed on administrative leave for reasons completely unrelated to this document and also for being a Trump-supporter

Appendix C:

Since information regarding this document has leaked and spread around Site-19, other sapient containment objects have requested similar treatment, that their information be expunged and that they be communicated about using only terms of their volition. We are currently unsure if this is because they also have suddenly become "nonconforming" or if they simply enjoy messing with us or are hoping to make it easier to breach containment. Their requests are currently being reviewed by senior personnel. Personnel are admonished to be extra cautious from now on to prevent sapient containment objects from learning of this phenomenon, as it seems like the more know about it the more of them want this special treatment. In addition, several Foundation personnel have also come forward and requested not to be oppressed anymore by being described in objective terms. A proposal to make the whole of Site-19 a "safe space" is currently being reviewed.

Appendix D:

In the past, SCP-0000-FANDOM has requested to write its own Special Containment Procedures. We allow the object to do this, but do not save these as the official version since the object has a habit of changing them for arbitrary reasons, suggesting that this whole thing is a scam intended by the object to claim victimhood and moral superiority which is annoying.