
Item #: SCP-025.8 (Zero Twenty-Five Point Eight)
Object Class: Euclit

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-025.8 Is a peculiar SCP as it cannot be contained and is generally considered harmless, even though millions of deaths have been attributed to it. There have been many methods to contain this harmful SCP substance, through the use of vases, bottles and other materials that can hold liquids in it, the largest of which are called "pools". We have large amounts of the substance in our facility and are constantly performing tests with it, though spills rarely happen, they're 100% fatal if they come in contact with another human being.


SCP-025.8 is an SCP of liquid form and of no particular color (is invisible even a color lmao????). Through centuries of natural conditioning, plants and animals alike have been accustomed to consume this product, and is thought of being something needed in our everyday lives. This has been the case for thousands of years, but by the research of Dr. Light and Dr.[DATA EXPUNGED], we have finally figured out the dangers behind this liquid and the 100% mortality rate that comes along with it.
It has been called by many names throughout the centuries, mostly referring to its cooling properties or its refreshing attributes, but in English it is called:
: Old English wæter, from Proto-Germanic *watar (source also of Old Saxon watar, Old Frisian wetir, Dutch water, Old High German wazzar, German Wasser, Old Norse vatn, Gothic wato "water"), from PIE *wod-or, from root *wed- (1) "water, wet" (source also of Hittite watar, Sanskrit udrah, Greek hydor, Old Church Slavonic and Russian voda, Lithuanian vanduo, Old Prussian wundan, Gaelic uisge "water;" Latin unda "wave"). 

To keep (one's) head above water in the figurative sense is recorded from 1742. Water cooler is recorded from 1846; water polo from 1884; water torture from 1928. Linguists believe PIE had two root words for water: *ap- and *wed-. The first (preserved in Sanskrit apah as well as Punjab and julep) was "animate," referring to water as a living force; the latter referred to it as an inanimate substance. The same probably was true of fire.
Every person who has drank water has also died.


Every murder, rapist, pedophile and every type of criminal has drank water.


Every living thing that has water splashed on it eventually rots away.


Water is the primal cause of drowning, dehydration, overhydration and many more.


The Earth is dying, that's because it's surrounded by water.


You have probably drunk water at least one (1) time during your lifetime.


Water bottle companies wish for the destruction of the human race.


People in Africa who do not drink water are systematically killed by a water-based global conspiracy.


There's water somewhere close to you.


You won't survive your encounter with it.



1. Conversation between Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill at Livadia Palace, Union of Soviet Socialist [REDACTED]s, also known as the "Yalta Conference", February 11, 1945.
Joseph Stalin: So, water is nice I guess.
Franklin D. Roosevelt: Yeah, we need to give it to people.
Winston Churchill: Why?
Joseph Stalin: low Mao* why not?
Franklin D. Roosevelt: this tbhfam
Winston Churchill: I agree
*(this is also the origin of lmao and [REDACTED])
2. Transcript of lead scientist Dr. Skanderbeg conducting vocal research on the SCP. 25/2/1999
Dr. Skanderbeg: Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
SCP-025.8: . . .
Dr. Skanderbeg: What is your name?
SCP-025.8: . . .
Dr. Skanderbeg: I'm growing impatient.
SCP-025.8: . . .
Dr. Skanderbeg: Can you tell me what you want from us?!
SCP-025.8: . . .
SCP-025.8: . . [DATA EXPUNGED]
3. Transcript from the 965th observation of SCP-025.8, 11/12/2004
SCP-025.8: . . .
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