
*Note* I did not write this but found it in the SCP foundations deletion bin. I just felt it would fit on this site.
Item #: SCP-3085
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are still looking for SCP-3085(Also known as Joe the butcher)
Description: Joe is a boy, him and his parents moved into a new house. He goes to school, and gets bullied every day and that he cries every day he comes back to the school. He was bullied and called a retarded faggot every day by a kid called Steve. One day, he snapped, and punched Steve….
"You retarded faggot!" said Steve.
Joe is mad, and threw his fist to Steve's nose, for the first time, he punched his bully. Steve staggered back and growled. Then, he told the teacher. Joe got suspended because of that.
"You're suspended for assaulting another Steve," said the teacher.
"Ok." said Joe.
Eventually, the bullying gave him depression, and weird facial ticks. He then started having thoughts…. evil thoughts.
He wanted a girlfriend, but he can never get one because of it, he wanted peace at school, but he can never feel peace at school. So he decided to kill his bullies……
Steve was found mutilated, and burnt, and skinned alive. eventually. He's also impaled, and castrated. No survivors were found in his house. All they found was a meat cleaver, which became Joe's signature weapon.
From now on, he is known as Joe the butcher….. He mangled his face with barbed wires too…… out of his insanity….
He will find you… and kill you….