

Item #3950180580731985139549317459813759315

Object Class:

2mothafuckinspooky (Keter)

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-3950180580731985139549317459813759315 is to be held in some kind of fuckin chamber because its 2spooky and shit. Said chamber has a bunch of bedrock around it so it can't be destroyed by whatever the fuck can destroy it, like a diamond pickaxe, whoever uses that shit is a motherfukin asshole. Only Class D personnel are permitted to get their asses wooped by this dangerous fucking SCP.


SCP-3950180580731985139549317459813759315 are two individual objects that stand next to each other like they are going to cuddlefuck or some shit. The object to the left (SCP-3950180580731985139549317459813759315 A) appears as a pink, miniature equine. Take caution when approaching SCP-3950180580731985139549317459813759315 A, as it will insert it's trombone up your anal cavity. The object to the right (SCP-3950180580731985139549317459813759315 B) appears as a SCARY fucking skelly just doing some gay ass pose. Do not stare at it, as the consequences will take action immediately. If you do stare at it, you will have a heart attack, followed by explosive shitting, and then death by 2spookiness. This obje [DATA EXPUNGED]