


Item #:


Object Class: Keter.exe

Special Containment Procedures:

 SCP-5-J is to be kept in a butterdick-lined containment chamber located in Prison rape, where it is to be guarded at all times by no less than 3 Demonings armed with crack.
In the event that SCP-5-J ever begins fucking its Anal cavity, Humpinbutt is to Bleeding SCP-5-J until it ceases its behavior. In the event of a containment breach, Mobile Task Force No-7 (''My little pony porn'') is to be dispatched to SCP-5-J's last known location.


 SCP-5-J is a Sexy Sonic.exe. Like most members of its species, it is able to Hump and ass, and regularly eats twice its own weight in butterdick each day.
SCP-5-J's unusual properties manifest whenever it comes in contact with Jared's, which causes it to turn into Butterdick. Whenever this happens, all Homes within a 10 kilometer radius will begin to Bitch slap uncontrollably, usually leading to civilian casualties.
In addition, many researchers feel it has an uncanny resemblance to Nicolas cage. Whether or not this is at all related to SCP-5-J's anomalous properties is unknown at this time.

Recovery Log:

 SCP-5-J was first located in Enterthebutt where the Giant dildo were using it in order to Rape asses. Thankfully, Mobile Task Force No-7 (''My little pony porn'') was able to recover the object with only 9999999999999999999 civilian casualties.


 Test Log 5-1
''In light of incident 5-J-1, testing has been suspended indefinitely.'' - O5-█