How it began.

Hi, my name is Timmy and I like spooky games. I try to find good spooky games but I can't find any, until 1 day I found a game called "SKELETIN". The page where the game was had no description, just photos of the gameplay. I downloaded it and this is where things got very spooky.


The game started up weirdly, it just had the title pop up. The only option was "START", so I pressed enter and the game started.
A world came up with the title, "SPOOKEY LAND". This is the first world in the game, with 4 levels in it. There were clouds in the background and the levels were numbered.
I played the first level and my character was a skeletin. The level was very simple. It was just flat land with a goal at the end, so with ease I beat the level.
It took me to the next level, where things got harder. There were enemies, not just any kind of enemies, these enemies looked sad and frightened. They just sat there, looking at the ground. My only attack was a punch. I punched 1 enemy and it died. Hyper-realistic blood splattered on the ground, it was very detailed and it looks like it can be touched by your fingertips. I finished the level and gone to the next.

The "boss".

The game crashed when I got to the 3rd level. I tried to go to the 3rd level but it crashed once again. I tried 2 more times but all failed. I searched on how to fix the crashing in the game and conveniently, there was a patch. When I clicked on the media fire link, it said the file was invalid or deleted. I opened the game and it showed that level 3 was completed, so I went to the 4th level. The 4th level was odd, there was nothing but my character wandering around, with me controlling him of course. A voice appeared out of nowhere that said, "I WILL KILL YOU". A face appeared with hyper-realistic eyes and a creepy smile with fists attacked me. 
I beat it by who knows how, and the game crashed. My computer background changed into the skeleton face on the title screen with hyper realistic blood running down its eye sockets. The game didn't work after what happened. I was about to turn off the computer but then... 


''A SKELETIN POPPED OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''




