
I was browsing the web when I encountered this totally not suspicious site which I'll not reveal.
I clicked on the site, and I saw loads of download links for so-called "High-quality MIDIs."
I happen to like Skrillex, so I search for a MIDI of that.
Sure enough, I find a MIDI named SKRILLEX.exe.mp3.mid, and I download it.
Immediately my computer's wallpaper is changed into a picture of Skrillex with blood and guts in the background.
I freak out, and correctly think this is a virus, but by being the idiot I am, guising it as curiosity, I open the file.
Immediately my headphones go as loud as they can, and I immediately took them off. It was all of Skrillex's songs playing at the same time in MIDI form.
The wallpaper changed to skrillex with a maniacal smile and a bloody knife with him being covered in blood and gut and with more blood and guts in the background.
Then the filename changed to SKRILLEX.666 and I freaked out even more.
What I should of done is pulled the power if I'm on a desktop, or remove the battery if I'm in a laptop, but I have an IQ of 0, so I can't do that.
Then my screen turned to black, and it showed disturbing hyper realistic images that I cannot explain in words.
Then the screen turned to black, and the letters "YOU'RE NEXT" appeared in Comic Sans in a Blood Red font.
I smashed my PC to pieces., and suddently Skrillex appeared with that same blody knife and maniacal smile.
I ran to my room, but he magically teleported to where I was.
Suddently, I heard Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, and when the drop came, he disappeared, and I had the sudden urge to flop arould like I'm having a seizure.
I flopped around until I fell unconscious, and then I lived happily ever after.
Except that in 3 seconds you'll be spooked by the Skrillex if you dont share this story around to bookface, and twotter.