You may or may not have heard of me before. My name is Jay. (I'm a guy, by the way.) Exactly one month ago, something strange happened to me. Here's my story:
I have always been interested in Sonic games, but I could never afford to buy any of them. I'd always play Sonic games online. Some of my all-time favorites were "Ultimate Flash Sonic" and "Sonic in Mario World". That was, until I played "Sonic Smash Bros." 
I found it pretty boring. I was browsing the web for Sonic games when I came accross it. It was pretty mediocre. I beat Adventure mode as Knuckles and unlocked Rogue or somebody like that. I really can't remember.
The next day, I felt compelled to play it again, but I didn't know what website I had found it on. I typed in "SOnic Smash Bros" into the search engine, and it took me directly to a website. Odd.
The website was called "" and it only had one game on it. The game was Sonic Smash Bros, but the title was simply typed in as "Sonic Brawl." I clicked on it and started to play. 
I could immediately tell something was off. The game had obviously been hacked, because every single character had been unlocked. It didn't even ask me for my name. The name was already typed in: "SONICBRAWL.EXE." I was confused. I had played the game enough to understand that the the name-typing slot did not hold enough letter spaces to type that in. Anyway, I played as Knuckles and played a match against Sonic.
The fight was odd. I had no control over Knuckles at all. It was like two CPUs, except they weren't attacking each other. They were just standing there in a neutral position that I had not seen before. Suddenly, Knuckles started moving towards Sonic. THe next part almost made me cry.
Knuckles ruthlessly beat the shit out of Sonic. It was very realistic-looking. First, Knuckles slammed Sonic in the face with a fist, making sonic fall over. Sonic tried to get up, but Knuckles kicked him until he stopped moving. THe Sonic sprite was bloody and limp. Knuckles grabbed sonic by the feet and dragged him to the edge. Then, Knuckles kicked Sonic off the edge. The game ended.
I was back at the character selection screen, except it was different. The Sonic character option was no longer there. The Amy Rose sprite had tears in her eyes. Knuckles looked more menacing. And the Super Sonic sprite  was different, with blacked out eyes and it was greyscale. It was also slightly transparent, and it didn't have a name anymore.
Suddenly a new game started. It was Knuckles vs Tails. It started with a talking into. A text bubble by Tails came up (that wasn't even possible in the game) and it said "WHAT H>AV YOOU DOOON TO SNNOC."
Knuckles didn't even fight Tails in that one. Instead, Tails started clutching his head and clawing at his face until he actually TORE HIS FACE OFF. The ground was covered in real-looking blood, and I nearly threw up The round ended again. 
This time, at the charachter selection screen, Tails was still there, but the sprite displayed no name, and it was a dead-looking version of Tails that had bright yellow eyes. Knuckles looked completely insane, he had wild eyes, blood flecks on his face, and he had bitten his lips to shreds. His name was nearly gone. The Super Sonic chachter option was gone. Suddenly, the game turned to black. 
Now Knuckles was there. He was staring right at me.  He started talking with speech bubbles.
Then, the tab closed.
then a skeleton popped out lel