

So one day i was on the internet, and i saw this little fuck name dicksucker45... He said the best LP'er was SuperSammySonicSayan. I Shit my fuck cuz i needed to find a good LP'er cuz PleaseDiePie isnt getting my dick wet anymore. I saw his video "Stop Hating on Sonic" i thought it was the best thing ever. I started to whatch then a DICK flew out of sammies nipples and I took it up the ass. i CAME ALL OVER THE FUCKING HOUSE. MY MOM CAME IN  AND I FUCKED HER HEAD SO FUCKIN HARD THE EARTH QUEEFED OUT MY NIPPLE HOLE. I then awoke in my bathroom, with a swastica carved into my nutsack... i aslo had a tattao of a heart inside the name gary... I then thought "Who the fuck is Gary????