
{{NSFW}}I checked my inbox and saw this:
"From: Banana@Banana.Banana
To: You you dumb fuck.
Subject: sanic fetish porn.
Here is som sanic fetish porn
I clicked the link and it downloaded a file named sanic.mp4 and sanic.avi.I guess the AVI is if you don't live alone. But what I didn't know they were actually executables. I opened the .mp4 one and my computer installed Paladium Pro which is a clone of the Thinkpoint rogue antivirus. Sanic.avi had Sonic from Sonic.exe come out of the screen and give me a banana and leave. I uninstalled Paladium Pro beforehand too.
Next time I opened it Sonic came out of my screen and said "The mp4 file was a virus. If you don't mind I want to play TF2." 30 minutes later he entered my room and asked for a server that has the Conga taunt banned. I directed him to my favorite server, Disc-FF Trade NO F2P. It runs a Disc-FF exclusive map called trade_plaza_ff1b then nothing else happened. The end.