
In 2013, Sega was planning on releasing their new Sonic game since the Sonic advance series and the poorly Sonic 06. The Game was similar to the current New Super Mario Bros Wii, The game was called "Sonic 4 episode 3". 
The game would have Classic-like Sonic, The zone would be longer and much harder. A new character would make his first appearance...
I was given the game, Instead of the disc having "S4E3" or "Sonic 4, Episode 3" It had "SANIC" in red marker.
It also had scribbles of "''Gotta go fast".''
I remember Sonic X, After hearing "Gotta go fast". I thought "Sanic?" "That meme of the blue blur?".
I inserted it into the Dreamcast 2, It had the original graphics. It even had Classic Sonic.
It was normal, Until I reached the zone "DON'T GO HERE". The enemies had tentacles as weapons.
Until, I found a chest... 
Sonic looked at it for a moment before opening it. A monster that could only have come from a Lovecraft story popped out. It filled Sonic's ass with its tentacles. 
Until, It began to rape him. When the rape scene was done, Sonic fell down, Strangly the "TIME" and "SCORE" glitched up, and "SONIC" changed to "SANIC".
When Sonic stood up, His arms were straighted out. His shoes were blobs with colors thrown on them.
"Gotta go fast" It replied, As it ran fast without me controling it. 
Sanic discovered a pit, He jumped in the pit. The "GAME OVER" screen came up.
The "SONIC" file was gone, It was now "TAILS", I picked Tails and went to (What the game dubbed Green Hill zone) Gren hil zon une.
Tails had a boss battle with Sanic Heghog, Sanic's tongue came out; it stuck to Tails' head and started sucking. After a while, Tails fell down and Sanic walked up to him. The tentacles jumped out of the Hegehog and entered the fox's body, changing him into an equally horrible form.
The two walked around the zone like zombies, violently killing anything they could find.
Until, They went to the real boss battle with Robotnik. Robotnik was scared of Sanic and Toils.
Both immobilized Robotnik with their tongues and began to sodomize and rape him with them. Some of the images will never be forgotten.
Robotnik became Roobuttnick and the deformed trio became skeletons.
The "GAME OVER" screen came up, But it was "GAM OVOR".
I felt weird...