
One day when i was walking home i saw a kid he threw something at me it was a disc called SanicDotEXE I Decided I didn't wanted to risk using my computer! so i drove over to my friend house and asked him if i can use his computer to run something he said sure So i pop that disc in and it had one program on it SanicDotEXE With a picture of sanic on it thinking nothing of it i ran the program A Logo Pop Up i was a bag of cat chow? Wonder what going on i pressed enter It brought me to a section screen i picked teals I was walking down the road seeing Sanic he looked weird so i pressed on teals talk then Sanic chased him after teals been caught i was thrown back to the screen but this time Teals looked pale and his eyes was missing i decided to take a break and went to sleep the next morning I was lure into playing the game again this time i was Knakles the same thing happen and he was defeated after i was feeling weird but kept going this time i was Eggmon the background of the level said Pingas! all over guess you can tell what happen again But after i was thrown into a level with Sanic saying i am gawd! i also was the bag of cat chow again after that i gotten tired of the game and used the disc as a target for shooting it exploded into pieces That how this story ends 