
Santa was a young independent black woman. She lived in the hood and she was married to Mrs. Claus. Santa worked at the local Strip Club cause she was a bisexual.
Here begins the story of little Ronald McDonald who was 5 years old. Ronald still believed in Santa and when Christmas came, wished to work with Santa for a day. X-Mas came along and his wish came true. Ronald was invited to the strip club to work with Santa for one day. When Ronald arrived she said "MERRY XXX-MAS RONALD!" Ronald then realized this wasn't the real Santa. Ronald died on New Years Day shortly after. On XXX-Mas, Ronald got multiple STD's thanks to Santa and also colon cancer. Ronald was forced to stay at the strip club and could never see his mom again. Because Ronald couldn't get treatment for his diseases he died in the strip club. His last words were "Never believe in Santa. Santa is a monster that should never be woken. It cost me my life and can co..." and died right then.
Santa was a young independent black women. She lived in the hood and she was married to Mrs. Claus. Santa worked at the local strip club cause she was a bisexual. She is also a monster who killed one and could kill more.
Santa by helldemondevil666