
one day there i was waching the tv and i saw a super sale at wal mart. so i went there and there was a guy and he had a nintendo 64 cartridge and it said on it in black markers: scaryboy666.exe he gave it to me for free. then i took it home to my house and i placed it in my computer rom disk drive. i boted it up and start to play. it was mario kart 64 for the sega genesis but then there blood everywere! then i took a bath . when i come back the game was frozen the game crash and there was nothing there. then i went to a level that had no thing on it. it was just a regular level exsept that the screen was a color blue. then i was gong 2 the left but i crash 2 a wall so i go end to right but there  dead end. i have no opshun but i turn back. i see a big sprite and there is a leter h and it says hello my name is scary boy you have enter my game. i got the scared and i went to the sleep. the next day when i wake up i went in to the computer and i started boot up scaryboy666.exe. i play it but instead of it load up a scary picture came up an i herd a demonic vois say i am scary boy you will go away!!!!!!! so i got scared but i took a bath . when i come back scary boy come out of the computer kill my dad. then scary boy kill my mom and she died. i was the did i scared!!!!! i ran so fast away but then i slipd on a blood and then scary boy look at me say this is what you get you do not enter my game then he kill me. then i woke up it was a dream wow i didnt know that but then i went into the computer and i boot up scaryboy666.exe and then he was still there and it show picture of my mom dead and my dad dead. i got really scare i took a bath . when i come back i see scary boy on the computer he say to me in a demonic vois to me you shod run away before i kill you do not play this game this is my house!!!! i ran away because i did not want to do die i made a run away fast and i went to my frend bill house and i play xbox to get of my mind. but when bill open the xbox he booted up the xbox and on the screen there was scaryboy! then he jump out of the tv and kill my friend!!! i run so fast that i shoes get soar. i made a run away agen i wet to my girlfrend hose her name judy. she tell me what hapen i say there is scaryboy.exe and i am now i am scared! i tell her to look on her computer but she said no. then i look on her computer. i unplug it but scaryboy is still there! so i run relly far away and i do a far! then scary boy comes out of the computer and kills me . now this time i dont wake up i am ded . this just gose to show that if you dont lissen 2 scare boy he will kill you! too!