
It was all a normal day I was sleeping until my tv turned on 3:00 AM at a wensday. I was super pissed off becuase I had school that day with a big ass test for english. I then got up and tried to turn off the stupid piece of shit and went back to bed. The tv then turned on aging but my clock said 6:66 AM but it was night time and clocks dont go to 60 in the mints. My tv was at the boomering channel but everything was santanic and the music was death metal.
The shows were normal but when it got to scooby doo the whole intro was skipped. The episode started with the whole gang crying on some random grave but the tombstone said "RIP SCOOBY DOO HE WAS ALWAYS A FAMILY TO US". I soon cried and quickly grabed my tissue box from my bathroom. The epidsode soon then zoomed into scooby's dead body with his eyes that looked like static bad it had hyper realstic blood. I soon screamed very loud and started to cry. Scooby then said "WOOF DO YOU MISS ME?" Then the option YES or NO appeered. I soon said yes the scooby siad "No you liar" I soon ran out my home and screamed bloody scooby.
I ran into a police station and said "Sooby doo is trying to kill me and I need your help" the police officer then said "ok follow me" I then fowlled the police then he said "wait here" I sat in a room and waited and waited and waited and then................... The police officer then said "Come here". ''I then fowlled him and he said so to me "Where is your house?" I said "in Snoop dogey 69 at 420" He then told me to put my hands up I did and then he took off his hat and siad scooby dooby doooooo. I then punched the police man in da balls and paralized him. I got the hell out of there and went to my school and took my big ass test and got 80 on it I soon went home and saw my dog "Buddy" who has brown fur insted of the bright sunlight gold he then said "scooooooooobbbbbbbbyyyyyy doooooooooobbbbbbyyyyyy dooooooooooo" ''
I was blacked out and put in my gym in school and there was a big 4k flat screen on the wall and it said "GOOD BEYE MATTHEW" My name was matt by the way. The episode started with me in the gym tied up in a chair just like now. Then the camera walked closed to me I tried to look behind me but I could,nt it kept getting closer and closer I was scared at this point and then there was a bloody paw and it showed it holding a knife and then it turned my chair around and I saw scooby doo with a camera and he said "I am going to make you a scooby snack" He stabbz my stomach and eye and fingers I then died but not really.
I woke up in a hole and dirt flew into my face and people crying.