
One day i went to gamestop to get a game, so i was looking through the ps3 games because that was my favorite console (at the time). And i found this game called Scratch, it looked like your tipical shooter. So when i got home i put it in my ps3 and decided to play, the title screen popped up with a upbeat cheery song. So i started playing, it took me too a map screen.
I took a look around the map then i found a key. I found a door so i tried to use the key on that door, it took to a level called? LEVEL 1-1, when i got to the level everything seemed calm at first. So i just kept walking right, untill i met this pit a box apeared that said?
"Jump" so i did, i landed saftley. from that point on the game got messed up the character didn't have arms everything was a depressing shade of black and finnaly it flashed pictures of children. There dead lifeless bodies almost made me want to hurl, so i turned it off and went to sleep. The next morning i seen my screen turn on by itself, so i decided to check out what was causing my tv to turn itself on. Then my ps3 turned itself on and suddenley i heard breathing behind me. It was one of the soldiers from the game he knocked me out with his gun, i fell unconcious. Hours later i woke up i was tied to a chair and was handed a controller, the game i was forced to play was Scratch. I had no choice, i started playing and thats where stuff got even more dissturbing the sky was dark with blood dripping from the trees i took a closer look and something fell out of the tree. A dead kid like the one i saw earlier but this time was tied up with multiple scars and his stomach ripped out, i wanted to stop playing but i was tied up so again i really had no choice. then lightning strikes the players character, then it fades to black, it fades back after about 30 seconds. this time it was a man with glowing red eyes and text saying "GAME OVER" with evil laughter to acompany it. afterwards i was tooken out of this chamber and outside where i was beat down luckly the police spotted the assult, or else i wouldn't be here today to tell this tale. be gratefull for the life you live, don't take it fot granted.