
I was a huge ass Shrek fan in the world. But not anyone because of this dreckin game.
So 1 day I went to da flea market and than a old man who was wearing a Shrek t-shirt, and he give me a game called ShrekExtraLargeDong.exe. He said you can have the game for free.
I poop onions with joy. So I brought the game at home and leave.
And then I heard a spooky voice. He said, Shrek is love, Shrek is life. I ignore it and went to my room. I insert da game on my GameCube and turn it on. Instead of the GameCube logo, It said Shrektendo OnionCube. Maybe it was just a glitch. I created a new file and start playing.
When the first level starts, It looked different. Shrek had hyper realistic eyes. I start running around and I found the mirror guy dead. And then Shrek rapes the mirror guy. I was like dafuq? And than I was send to the forest level. It showed a cutscene where Shrek kills Little red ridding hood with a knife. And he faps and cums onions at her.
I was send to Mother Goose Land and the same thing happens. Shrek kills Humpty Dumpty
with a hammer. This time Shrek eats him.
I was send to the final level which is Merlin's tower. I visit the tower and it showed a old man from the flea market hanged Merlin with a hyper realistic rope. I was scared shrekless. And then Shrek sayed. Hey now, you're a deadstar, get your blood on, go die. And then a Skeleton Shrek like popped out and kill me.
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