
Donwload link if you are toon enough:(Coming Soon)
Its been time fellas.
Since that incident with my friend Sunky, i never touched a store with Sunky games.
Really, almost 10 times.
But E-Nay likes to glue me.
I was looking for a silly plush, because you know, but I didn't, and the one I did eventually find had a totally spoopy mark that said "SUNK" on her jacket.
I liked Sunky and team, but Silly was a must-like.
After that, i found Adventures of Sunky The Awesome Hedegehog.
The complete series.
For only one cent!
After buying it and waiting 24 Complete stop-watches...
There it is. The complete series.
In The stopwatch second i put The disc...
Wait. Nothing happened.
Oh, i need to executate it.
After that, a scene from "Flowers and Sunky" played.
Silly was about to kiss Sunky when a fake bluescreen showed up.
*Continue in The Next time fellas