

If you read this trollpasta you may die because you are too much of a pussy to handle this intense bullcrap.''


One day i was playing my old peice of s**t dreamcast. I was so f***ing bored because i had no games for it and im just doing crappy homebrew things on it. I looked at a box UPS dropped on my roof. I opened the box. It was a dreamcast game for the WiiU. It was called ''Skrillex.exe.''
So i put it in my Iphone's SD Card slot and turned my Iphone on. It would not start up because i nearly cut the phone in half by shoving a disc in it. I got turned on by it.
Then my dreamcast went on the CD player and played skrillex music. My ears were bleeding. I got butthurt because the dreamcast had a giant logo on it saying "SKRILLEX INVENTED DUBSTEP.". But skrillex didnt invent dubstep. I decided to play on another game consle but i was a cheap f**kface with no life so i only had a dreamcast. I dont even have a pc. Im typing this on my dreamcast which is lagging like hell right now. Then some asshole broke into my house and killed me.
And then a human popped out.