
one day i was playing skyrim and i was like killing dragons n shit being the prettiest argonian in skyrim when suddenly i went to go sell all of the shit i picked up when suddenly i realized that all of the places and shit were destroyed and i was all liek wat the fuck and then suddenly alduins hyper realistic skeleton pops out so i killed it and then suddenly paarthurnax shows up and hes liek all pissed because i killed his brother again and he has hyper realistic eyes and he kills me and then it restarts the game by itself and i was crying because all of my hours of play put into this game was gone and when the game restarted instead of just saying skyrim it said skyrim.taatk and instead of ralof and lokir and ulfric i was was with a shitload of draugrs and then alduin popped out and ate me and the game shut off by itself flew out of my ps3 and grew legs and started walking to me with a knife so i got a hammer and smashed it and then i cried because all of my progress took an arrow to the knee and now i know what skyrim.taatk means because taatk stood for took and arrow to the knee and then suddenly i looked behind me and there was the draugr overlord and i was liek aw hell naw so i ran out of my house and then suddenly paarthurnax snatched me and took me high up and dropped me into a valcano now im dead but then i woke up and everything was back to normal and i was back to playing regular skyrim and i was so happy to have my character i worked hard to build up back and then suddenly it froze and i was liek oh shit when was the last time i saved and then i restarted my ps3 and it started me off with professor oak asking me if im a boy or girl and i was liek fuck and started crying comment if you cry every time