
I JUST CAN’T do it anymore... the lack of sleep, not knowing what's real my parents think im CRAZY same with my “friends”. I guess none of that matters now i fear the end of me and my madness is near. To tell the truth i'm really anti-social you could also label me as insensitive and lazy, i think thats why all this is happening to me, but i just don't know what to think anymore with all of my DELUSION! this all started about a month and a half ago when i started to see shadows right out the corner of my eye this happened all the time for about 3 days all day and all night. I tried to not let it bother me and i thought it would go away, but eventually this shadow started to evolve into a silhouette of some type of creature that was tall and bulky almost buff.
When the silhouette started to show up it really caught me off guard and i started to be paranoid over the next week the silhouette started to get closer and more clear by each days pass. eventually when the silhouette as was more clear to me could see that this thing was huge, disproportionate, and had a set of three long sword like claws on each hand. around here is when i started to get extremely paranoid i would see “HIM” in doorways and outside my house in the middle of the street his presence always around lingering. The thing that really started to make me lose sleep was this feeling i got that the silhouette wasn't the only thing watching me i felt like something was a lot closer.
My paranoia started to drive me mad and i start having hallucinations or what i think are hallucinations when they started they were terrifying like looking in to my bathroom mirror and see blood flowing from my eye and mouth or even seeing long slashes down my arms but most of the time i see a small blue angry demon with an old face generally sitting somewhere above just out of reach and looking down on me. After a month i rarely sleep and most of the day i try to hide in my room from from that “thing”.
Once i had not slept for 3 days i was at my breaking point, i was extremely tired and even more delirious than i already was. At the height of my delirium that night the hallucinations were constant and that DAMNED THING WAS RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW! i finally gave in to my sleepiness and let the darkness consume me into the void. Upon me waking up i saw something i can't forget not a silhouette but this thing was standing me over me. This THING was almost 10 feet tall, bulky, brown fur, large black eyes, and a face that i could only describe as a sloths face but with large teeth and a crooked ominous smile. It felt like an eternity staring at this monstrosity until it started to reach for me and i cowered and shut my eyes… then nothing.
to my amazement he was gone everything stopped he was gone in fact over the next hour nothing happened no hallucinations no SLOTH no nothing. the day was the most peaceful day i have had in the last 2 months. As the time went by and night approached i got this twisted feeling in my gut and literally made me get sick. then i had a true realization and knew that he would be back SOON i felt it his presence it was back. This time it was different though i wasn't scared i was calm and collect i knew my fate. so i took the time to write this to warn everyone don't be sloth or SLOTHMAN WILL GET YOU.
{{by|The austinbeta|cpwuser=yes}}