
Hia…I’m Smile. I fell in love with Jeff, ya know the one that was killed by the thing named Jane.I fell in love with Jeff the day he came to my school. That day i fallowed him home and at night I watched him from the tree by his window.
The morning Lou got arrested I knew Jeff was special. He didn’t leave his house for a week after that. I never left my tree. I lost 7 pounds by the time he left the house.It was for a little kids birthday party. I enjoyed watching Jeff play with the little kids.
That same day Jeff had his accident. Having him in the hospital wasn’t all bad. I got food and I got to be with Jeff. I would read scary stories to him. I enjoyed doing this. Scary stores never fazed me but make me think about what the world truly hold.
The day Jeff got his bandages off I watched with mystery. He was so beautiful before the accident, how would he look now? That was soon answered now without his new face he looked well hot. His white skin glared and his black hair made him look like he was in a 50’s movie.
The night Jeff went home I returned to my tree. As soon as Jeff came home he went to bed so that was a plus for me. I watched him for hours thinking about us. How we would look. Jeff and Smile. In my head it is perfect.
At around midnight Jeff woke up for what I thought was to go to the bathroom. Next thing I know is that is mom was screaming and then his dad. After about 10 minutes I heard Lou scream than silence. Jeff walked out of his house now.
He was more beautiful now his eyes were surrounded by black rings and he carved a big smile into his face. I love his smile it’s so beautiful..
I fallowed Jeff eery where. I helped him gain his fame. They say he killed about 145 people well think again he only killed 13 people. I didn’t mind not getting credit. It made Jeff happy so I was happy.
When all was going well Jane popped up and killed my love. I followed her until I got bored of her and stabbed her 13 times.
Now look your laughing at me. Since you think this is so funny I’m going to come find you tonight. I’ve already got you address. I’m at you window right now. I’m watching you read this and as soon as you go to sleep I’m going to come kill you. Hahahahahaha