
The woman sat in her chair and was about to have a nice cup of tea under her lamp, things have been hard for her lately and she wanted to just relax and calm herself with some tea.
As she was about to take a drink, the christmas tree's lights had suddenly went out. "That's funny." She said to herself after seeing the lights go out. She got up from her chair and went to go fix the lights. The cord was pulled out and she went to go put it back into place. But as she did, the cord had swiftly pulled back, she back up in fear and then bumped into something. She had felt was was behind her, it was cold and wet.
She stood there, and looked at her her hand, it had snow on it. There was a snowman there, a large one that towered over her. The snowman reached his arm to grab the cristmas light and started to strangle her. She tried to scream and get the lights off of her neck, but the snowman had grabbed an ornament and shoved it into her mouth. The snowman had then grabbed her head and slammed it into a box of glass ornaments then raised it up having bits of glass stuck in her face, she screamed with the ornament in her mouth then the snowman had forced her head down again, getting more glass stuck in her face.
Her face was in pain as the snowman had pushed her onto the tree, grabbed the star on the top and stabbed her in the head with it, making a wicked grin and and growled like and animal as he finished her.