
Hello, my name is Ernie. I am a Mega fan of the sonic series. I have almost all of the games, you name it i have it. But almost does not mean all. You're probably asking "Ernie... what sonic game do you not have??? My answer Sonic 3D blast.{{Image Textbox|image1 = 7310 front.jpg|caption1 = This is an accurate representation of what the cover looked like}}My story begins about a decade ago. I went to some old dudes garage sale and found Sonic 3D blast for the sega genesis for about six bucks. Without hesitation a bought even though the cover was a bit off. For starters, sonic had pitch black bleeding eyes with red pupils. It said "Im will kill you" under the genesis logo. The dude in the background had the same eyes as sonic. And it was rated Y for YOU'RE NEXT! But as most cliches go i thought nothing of it.
When i arrived home i instantly went to my genesis and just threw it in there! When the game booted up instead of some dude screaming "SEGA!" He sceamed "SATAN!" This was so spooky i wanted to just turn it off, but in normal cliche fashion i didnt and thought it was a bug... BIG MISTAKE!!1! The first cutscene played out and that seemed off too. The forest was on fire, sonic had a bloody knife, and the flickies looked bloody and bruised. "OH LORDY JESUS!" I screamed as a took the game out and smashed it into pieces.
I came into my living room to clean up the broken game but then a skeleton popped out and ate my skin. I am now a skeleton and writing this
The end