
I'm so scared... My room is cold and brooding. I await my punishment. I made him mad! The door bursts open. Now right now you may be thinking "Da fuk moron you want to die?". So I will tell you the backstory while I slowly get my head cut of by this monstrosity.
It was 10 years ago, I was 9 years old and I loved Spiderman. I loved him so much I ripped holes in the comic books and put my little... You know. I did this everyday after school. But one day, a new kid named Tom came to school. He liked Batman, so I beat the shit out of him and took a dump on his face while he was down. It was a great victory, I then smudged his face with my feces even more with a Spiderman comic, It got stuck on his face and he had to go to the hospital, needless to say, I won the fight and he would never love Batman again, I also stole his Yu-Gio cards, fuck yeah a dark magician!
But that night, I saw batman come into my room. I kicked him in the fucking face and made fun of his dead parents. He shit himself! My Mum comes in and grounds me, stupid mum now I couldn't play Call Of Duty Black Ops and raise my K/D/R.
All was fine during my teenage years, I beat the shit out of all Non-Spiderman lovers. Everyone at my school loved spiderman. Even the fucking teachers loved spiderman. And then in 2009 they released Spider-Man Shit Of Shadows for the Xbox One. But I was poor as shit because I stole my mums money and spent it on hookers, so i went to Target and stole it. Everyone who went to target loved Spiderman as well, because I beat the shit out of everyone there. So I got free games. I get home and put the game into my Ps4. I play it, fuck yeah! Spiderman jumping off the walls, kicking the shit out of villians. I kept playing that game until a couple days ago. I finished the game 110%. It was great, It was like GTA except not with shit graphics, it was great until I tried to kill Spiderman because I was bored, I make him jump into the water, he splashes right in and then blood comes squirted out of the water.
Oh fuck! What have I done???! Spiderman jumps out of the TV and punches me in the nuts and tells me to never do that again! He leaves my house and comes back a couple days later.
And thats were we are today, my head is chopped off and I died. Dont ever kill spiderman, he is beast.