
The universe was in good shape. Then, Spooderman came to earth. He set a fire to a hotel, and people fel down and broke their video cameras and started laughing. Spooderman then went to a Slenderman, and slapped him on the face. Slenderman was sucked into a Spin - Off of Five Night at Freddy's. He punched Bill in the face, and he cried for 10 eons. Then, Spooderman went into somebody's shower and kept the faucet on and clogged the drain in all of the sinks, and turned all water fully on and boiling hot. Then, the house exploded as the people came out as cherry pies.
Spooderman fell off a cliff and onto somebody's boat in the ocean. The boat tipped over and a 11 year old idiot fell off into the abyss. Spooderman flew away. He then went to Planet Juppider. He found an alien that was a stone and chucked him into the sun. Then, he threw Earth into Uranus. Uranus got mad and exploded. Earth froze into a glacier. Mars ate the sun, and the Milky Way Galaxy exploded. Then, Spooderman found dark matter.
He found it and made a horse out of it. Spooderman threw it away. He was watching the star Noobtron and it exploded, and Spooderman survived. It created a black hole, and Spooderman was sucked in. He flew out the other side. Spooderman said Hi to Venus, and it turned into a credit card. Spooderman put a rock into Mercury, and the whole universe exploded, but Spooderman survived. He was the only matter in the Universe.
-originally from