
I was watching Spongebob until my mailman arrived and put a package in my mailbox. My bestiest friend Tom sent me a letter with a floppy disc and it motherfucking said. SQUIDWARD.xe. I spit out my pepsi as I said WTF? Then I looked at the note which was covered in jizz and hyper realistic blood. (cause it's so normal) It said
I can't take it anymore so destroy the disc and stuffz.
From Tom.
I said "well fuck that" and put the disk in my computer
it was a video game and the title screen was creepy with squidward and stuffz
I thought nothing of it
Then i picked sally Squirrel who was immediatly killed by squidward with the red eyes
I though nothing of it
Then I got up walked to my bathroom took a shit and my shit was hyper realistic blood
I thought nothing of it
Then i went back and picked patrick and he was killed too
I thought nothing of it
Then I picked spongebob and he died too
I though nothing of it
Then after everyone died a screen that said I AM GOD appeard with squidward bleeding hyper realistic blood
I said meh and though nothing of it
Then I turned around and found a squidward plushie and he killed me
I thought nothing of it
And then a skeleton popped out