
''I was at a yard sale when I found something that caught my eye. It was a dirty black case with no picture, just STAIRS written in red sharpie. I asked the guy how much it cost, and he said "Just take it for free and GETITAWAYFROMSDAFASKGOEARBGVeiurabg!!!!!1111". So I took it home and popped it in the television. Then I broke my TV and screamed "CRAP ITS SUPPOSED TA BEH POOT IN AH CUMPYOOTA!!!!111". So I put it in, and a file popped up. It was called stairs.exe. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!!!!!? I clicked on it and it brought up a file. The home screen was a white background with a brick stair block from minechraft and dah word PLAY was in da centr of da scrien. I clicked play and it was ah 1st person threedee gaim. I was in a hallway with a door at the end. I opened it ap and it was flat fer about 3 feet and then their wer stairs. I went down the stairs, and they never ended so I wint crazy and a skeleton popped out and killed me. THE END''