
Well his thoughts were wrong. When he saw the video on the laptop of his reaction, he was confused, the duration of the video of his reaction was 7 minutes. Although the video on the website was 4 minutes. He thought it was just some technical difficulties. He watched the video anyways. He saw himself staring into the monitor (computer screen) and the monitor was all white. He skipped 1 minute of the video and noticed a slight difference between the scenes. He was slowly turning his face to the webcam.
Which he didn’t do when he saw the video. He skipped to 6 minutes and got more scared, starting to panic. His face was just staring at the webcam motionless and with no sound at all. He looked into the webcam with his face looking forlorn (sad), and suddenly began crying. He never remembered doing this.
Rowan’s heart was beating very fast. He exhaled and inhale
d for 30 seconds. He went to the bathroom to wash his face with hot water to calm his nerves. When he looked into the mirror, he thought he was dreaming. His eyes were covered in blood. The blood was continuously dripping for 5 seconds like a waterfall while he screamed for help. He didn’t feel anything when it poured down. He saw a man approaching behind him, with a suit. That’s the only thing he saw. The person whispered “you should’ve listened”. Rowan disappeared and is believed to be dead. And then a skeleton popped out