
My life story (That no one wants to read :D)
Hello,My name is "Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert
Irvim John Kenneth Loyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy
Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor Willian Xerxes Yancy
Zeus" But just call me "Rufås" ,I am a Huge Starwars nerd,I watch starwar's Atleast once a week , I hat starwars poster's all over my walls.
So I was Browsing online for a free flash game or something of that nature ,And I found a game called "Starwars: Master of power" or something stupid like that,I was bored at the time so I downloaded it, It was the normal folder extraction that just about all flash games have to do,So I extracted the file onto my desktop and the name changed to "Starwars.EXE" ,I opened the game and there was "R2-D2" Standing there with a start button next to him ,So I clicked the start button and the screen went black,I don't know how long it was cause I didn't have a stopwatch around at the timem,So the fadded into the game and I was playing as "Han solo" ,I could shoot,kick,punch and .....Strangle.....So I automaticly ran up to everyone and started strangling them for a one hit K.O. , At the end of the level There was a boss,It kinda looked like "C3P0"(The somewhat annoying robot that fallows R2-D2). So I ran Up to him and hit the "Strangle" button But nothing happend,It just teleported me to the next level,the next level you played as "Luke" it was a dark cave ,But you had a flashlight that shined quite a ways into the cave, You could  use your lightsaber,kick,force and.....Strangle.....So I again thought Ran up and strangled everyone for a one hit K.O. I got to the end,The boss looked like "princess leia",So I Ran Up and Hit the "Strangle" button.....There was a loud scream and the screen fadded to black,The next level was pure red,With "skeletons" hanging from chains on the walls along with what looked like "ewoks" (you know those little cute bear like creatures?) You played as....Darth vader,You could Force,use lightsaber,punch.....and....Strangle.....So YET again I just ran around Strangling everyone For a one.....Hit......K.O.........After the first strangle the screen went black and a scream was heard for 30 secands (HAHAHA I HAD A STOPWATCH >:D) Then it went back to the tittle screen .....Then it showed like an evolution table
Han solo
Luke Skywalker
Darth vader
So I hit the "Start button" But this time....there was a character Select
There was C3PO,Leia and Darth vader.
I chose C3PO first
I was just standing there For a very long time (Sorry Didnt have my stopwatch turned on)
then someone that looked like Han solo came up and a black screen popped up and it flashed C3P0 With hit wires Stringed all over the place.
It took me back to the select screen and C3P0 Was gone
So I chose leia.
Again,I was just standing there for a very long time.
Then someone that looked like Luke Came up and it didn't cut to black this time
It showed Luke strangling me Whal' I was screaming in terreria (Hehe ) THEN it cut to black
And my Legs looked like they where torn off.
Then it took me back to the select screen.
Leia was gone
I chose the only player left.
Darth vader.
There was this level called "Darth vader's lair"
It was a 70s look it had flashing lights and sparkly colors After walking in this bland room for a long time the screen started To static, then it went black and everyone that I had played as Was "Scatter'd" across the room......With the giygus music playing....and then the game shut off and deleted itself.
I went to the website that I downloaded it from....and it said it had been removed by the admins