
It was time for the steam Halloween sales. It was a glorious day, rain and gloomy, perfect for gaming. I booted up my PC, I was ready to Max out all the games. My computer booted up within seconds. I clicked on the steam shortcut on my task bar and waited for it to load. My game library popped up, I clicked on the store shortcut. It was taking a long time to load, probably because of all the sales I was about to see. It finally loaded, all the Halloween banners were there. I was ready to max out the games. I went to the specials section but nothing was there. I was petrified. I fell of my desk chair. "Why is this happening to me!?" I scream to the sky. "If you're truly the god you say you are, why put me through this misery!?"  I started crying. I hear laughing. It's Gaben. He's mocking me. I hear my PC make a strange noise. I look at my monitor. I have a new gift. I open up my inventory. I see a new game. It's called "hl3.exe" I add it to my inventory. It says the game is 60gb but it downloaded in about 3 minutes. I knew something was wrong. I launch the game and it booted up immediately. The screen was completely black, but all of a sudden a orange 3 appeared on the screen. I checked my graphic quality everything was default set to very low. I was surprised, my PC can max out every game I've ever played. I heard a strange distorted laughing. I was scared. Tears streaming down my face. The game booted up. It had about the same graphics as the original half life. I was in a dark room. There were glowing neon signs with arrows. I followed them for about 3 minutes when I heard a quite distorted laughing. As I kept walking the laughing was getting louder and louder. I walked for a further 5 minutes when I saw a light lit at the end of the path. And a man standing there. I couldn't make out who it was, it was to dark. The distorted laughing was so loud I could barely keep my headset on. I walked slowly to the man. He was standing still, no signs of fidgeting or slight movements. I got closer and closer when all of a sudden the man started running at me. I turned to run but he had grabbed me by the arm. He turned me around. It was Gaben. He was a hyper realistic player model. He started speaking to me in tongues. I was trying to shake free. Gaben let go of me. And he shoved his own thumbs into his eye sockets. He gauged out his own eyes. I was screaming, crying, I was terrified. The game crashed. I threw my headset across the room. I was crying. I heard the distorted laughter again. I turned around. It was my Gaben 16"  statute sitting on my bed, with the eyes scratched out.