Picardía.......You must know Picardía or strawman ball..the yellow happy smiley face that has a thumbs up?... well.....Its not what you think it is,inside...
It has a dark secret inside....
lets start from the beggining....
on may 1st 1996
A company called Picardía started a buisness making small,funny marcros of other characters.
then on may 24th 1996
Picardía's first ever building was made in the desert of new mexico.Soon,Picardía made thousends of marcros per day.
then on april 1st 1996
the company made the iconic yellow happy smiley face that has a thumbs up with the same nameMany people think that this
taken from EmotiGuy, an app for designing Emojis.however,this is false.These 3d pictures were on the internet,on thier own (now dead) website,however,on april 2nd was the day that the company got deleted from the internet...
A group of hackers raided the website.deleting everything about it off the net.After the raid,Picardía closed its doors for good,abandoning thier building to rot in the sun.
now that I told you the history about Picardía,I will tell you how I am in this....
One night,I was watching my favorite shows.Then,I got a email from a friend saying that Picardía was a company that made the "sunglasses thumbs up emoji"
and that they have a building but "abandoned".I got nervous that it was a company.I never wanted to explore there,but curiosity got the best of me...I took a plane to new mexico.
I snunk into the building. when I got there All there was were...computers,they all were dusty,and broken.But,there was one at the end of the building.It was in good condition,but It had more dust than the others....
I cleaned the dust off of the monitor and turned it on.It had something simuler to windows 98 but thats impossible! windows 98 was made in 1998!
it looked like it had a noise effect.A popup appered,It was the smiley face. but he had the wierd noise effect too! but the most strange part was that his thumbs up was a thumbs down!!!!!1!11!
it had one option,begin.I clicked begin and as soon as I did I saw disturbing images of adults with smashed tv screens over thier heads with blood.I was screaming.then I took my hands then I smashed the comtputer
with MY BARE HANDS THEN I RAN OUT OF hERE As FAST AS i could.... I never liked the meme since that monday....remember kiddos,when someone tells you about a abandond place that makes you
uncomfortable thats no good!
Don't take this seriously this was made out of boardom...