
Hi, My name is Kyle Cornilious corncob mccorn master the 47th. And about 45.20491 minutes ago, I had the most scariest thing happen to me. I hope your wearing pants, and if your not, make sure to not do it too hard and to breathe often (HAHAHAHAHAHAH WHO CAN FIGURE THIS EDGY JOKE OUT DAAAAYMN SON!)
OK, so get ready for this. I was playing MY Xstation 14 U, when suddenly i was no longer playing GTA5. "SON OF A B*TCH" I screamed that was for some reason censored "I WAS SO CLOSE TO LEVELING UP TO 69!" I threw my controller to the floor and cried for 5 minutes straight because im a big wuss who wants everything his own way.
Anyways after i stopped crying a PENTAGRAM came on screen, ON it was A face, the face was Sonic. "SAY WAAAAAAT?" I sniveled, trying to stop crying, but then all of the sudden, a screamer happened, it was of the Exorcist face, I got so scared, not only did i crap myself, but my skeleton was revealed, but quickly went back into my body. Then i was in Green Hill zone act 3.14. I thought OH COOL SANIC! THen i ran around like a sanic on weed and drugs but with more weed than anyone could imagine, but then i heard a kefka laugh and all of the sudden the background was blood red with blood and more blood to follow that blood and blood coming from sonic and blood coming from trees and blood from my tv and contrloller and bloody circulating in my veins. it was all very hyper-realistic and i couldnt be more scared of this. But then i found tails and i knew this trollpasta was gonna be called tails.exe, but i felt like i needed to make an, UDDER joke! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAH *dead* Anyways back to what i was saying
After i ran
Tails I suddenly noticed my XP14U, smoking and bleeding extremely hyper realistic blood, Then Sonic and tails came up to me and said "CHANGE YOUR TITLE TO THE TRUTH YOU WIENER DOG MONKEY!"
I said N.
O! then sanic killed me and i am dead.
Maybe i will change the title of this
Remember one thing tho. sonic and tails are out there, dont let them get into your XP14U.