


''Fall, 1986''


Carl's Perspective

It was a cold, windy Saturday night. I was walking downtown at about midnight, when I saw it. I thought "What is that?" to myself. I got closer and examined it and I realized... it must be Teepee.exe...


Jonathan's Perspective

"Thank god, I finally got rid of the curse of Teepee.exe!" Jonathon shouted with joy as Teepee.exe slowly crawled out of his body. "Let god help the next person who the curse strikes..." Jonathon quietly whispered to himself, as he sat back down on his cozy couch, in his house, on a windy, yet cold Saturday night.


Jessica's Perspective

After about 10 minutes on her computer, Jessica got bored and started to google random things, this is an activity she does quite often. Eventually, she searched the word Tepee, a traditional Indian house. But something came up saying "Teepee.exe" Jessica then thought to herself "Ha, idiot can't spell tepee right." She then clicked on the words Teepee.exe and she experienced major deja vu, she then blacked out.


Carl's Perspective

After standing there for about 2 minutes, examining Teepee.exe, a group of people gathered around it in wonder. "What is it?" several people asked, then one girl who looked like she was a teenager said, "The shop owner wouldn't put a Tepee in front of their store.", then I stood up and said, "It's no ordinary Tepee, it's Teepee.exe..." in a cold voice.


Ben's Perspective

Ben was among the crowd of curious people examining the tepee, but after he heard Carl's statement, a shiver went up his spine, then seconds later, a monstrosity popped out. It looked like an black-haired, blue-colored-shirted puppet, but in it's hand it held a knife as sharp as the crescent moon on that cold, but windy Saturday night. It slaughtered at least five people before someone got a hold of themselves and called 911 for help.


Jonathan's Perspective

Jonathan heard it on the news, it was on the news all over the country. The story of Teepee.exe. Jonathan knew this would happen... "If only they knew how to stop it..." He thought to himself.


Jessica's Perspective

She woke up in a crate. It was a wooden crate, and she barely fit into it. "What happened??" she thought, she then started screaming for help, but it seemed no one heard her. She then gathered all of her might, and tried to pry open the crate, but no luck.


Carl's Perspective

"It happened." he said to himself, "Teepee.exe happened, it's been set loose to the whole country..." he thought to himself, as the nightly wind blew against his face, the police cars then arrived, anxiously asking people what happened. Carl knew what happened, and exactly what it was, but if he told anyone the truth, he would surely be put into a psych ward.



He was cold, as the blood poured out of him. He was recklessly stabbed by Teepee.exe. He was shipped to the hospital... but unfortunately... it was too late. Teepee.exe had taken yet another life.


Jessica's Perspective

The crate shook, "Omg, what is that??" Jessica thought to herself. The crate then suddenly opened, Jessica could not believe her eyes. Mickey Mouse had opened the crate! But she noticed her surroundings... Giraffes, savannah grass lands, tigers, countless people dying of ebola. Was she in Africa?...



Jonathan was one of the 5,000,000 people diagnosed with ebola. No, he does not live in Africa, this was a side effect of Teepee.exe. Teepee.exe was released, 5,000,000 people got ebola, the killer puppet was released, and 15,000,000 people were shipped to Africa to be murdered my Mickey Mouse. Jonathan unfortunately died that night, with his case of ebola. Teepee.exe was taking many lives, and Jonathan was one of them.


Jessica's Perspective

All she could hear was the knife driving down into her stomach countless times, Mickey was stabbing, and stabbing, and stabbing. Jessica closed her eyes as she drifted off into a doze. but it was not just a doze, it was her doom.


Carl's Perspective

He heard it on his bedroom window, he then said to himself, "Here it goes." He knew it was coming. Teepee.exe never leaves its victims alive, if Teepee.exe ever even lays an eye on you, you're sure to die. It could be ebola, poison, murder, the puppet, drowning, you name it. A chainsaw rattled outside of his bedroom, he tried to make a run for the phone to call 911, but the power was out. He could feel the sharp edges of the chainsaw cutting into his spine. "Hahaha!" laughed the man wielding the chainsaw. Carl could feel his life slip out of his body, as his lifeless body fell to the ground.


The end

Teepee.exe is still out there, it has never been contained. If you ever hear a scratch on a window, on a cold, yet windy Saturday night, it is nothing else but Teepee.exe, and then after that there is no escape.