
I loved the Teletubbie series as a child, I would always watch an episode each day in my youth and laugh at the squeaky happy loving Creatures in red, green, yellow, and Purple. Then time passed by...and eventually I don't stick to it anymore. But then one particular day when I was out for a walk in my Hood.. Little did I know things were about to change and turn my life and childhood into nothing but cock a doogie..
While I was walking down the street I encountered a Garage Sale with this strange sorta guy who looked like he was in his 50s or so running it. But he looked really dishoveled and his eyes were really red and almost.. Bloodshot if you saw, So I decided to take a look at what there since I hadn't have much else to do,while scavenging through some old trash and such things I found a DVD. It was no wonder to me why the guy wanted to get rid of it let alone keep it.The tape had a crooked dirty sticker stuck on to that had some really bad writing to it, I managed to read what it said and Discovered it said "TeleTubbies.exe". Hm I wondered as I looked at it "It wouldn't be so bad after all, I could watch it for old times sake."So I went to the guy who look at me nervously and noticed me with the Disc, he started to tremble as if I was going to murder him. I asked "How much for this?" and he said "I-It's free B-but I wouldn't recommend watching it, the Disc is cursed and if you watch it...then you will be doomed for eternity." But before he could even finish his sentence I was already off home to watch it, and I knew I should've listened to that old nervous-wrecked croak.
I went home soon after to go and watch this episode of the TeleTubbies, so I slid into my Windows 7 ultimate with an overclocked Titan x graphics card and Intel i8 procensor *take a moment to breathe that in* and played the Episode.
The episode began as usual with the normal intro and the TeleTubbies dancing around, playing, giggling and whatnot. But there were some strange differences, the colour palet of the TeleTubbies were pale and they had hyper-realistic eyes that were so Hyper-realistic that it just made no sense. Then all of a sudden The sky turned blood red and pasta dripped out of the sky and onto the ground the baby sun turned into a-*Here it comes* INTO A DEMONIC VERSION OF ITSELF WITH HOLLOW EYES WITH BLOOD DOT PUPILS AND HORNS COVERED IN WHAT LOOKED TO BE LIKE PASTA SAUCE AT FIRST BUT IT WAS ACTUALLY BLOOD. And I'm sitting there like "what in the-?", until all of a sudden those speakers that came out of the ground started saying "TIME TO DIE, TIME TO DIE, TIME TO DIE," over and over and over and it got deeper and more demonic. Then Spooky Scary Skeletons came out of the ground and started to attack the TeleTubbies Until--
Ah piss on a stick!, anyway I did that to re load the whole episode but when it reloaded....everything was not the same..
The music was in reverse and the sky was still Blood red and dead Rabbits were scattered everywhere on the ground, the baby sun was nowhere to be found and then all of a sudden the TeleTubbies popped up except..... They were covered in blood, their eyes were black and bloodshot, they had teeth so sharp that it was nightmarish, and they had claws made of shrapnel,The TeleTubbies made their way over the field to the big turning windmill thingy. and there I saw the corpses of the original TeleTubbies... All torn up and guts scattered everywhere. I almost felt like vomiting but luckily I didn't eat anything from the last hour.I thought this must be some kind of sick joke that someone decided to do, but it was so real that I couldn't have imagined if it was.
The demonic TeleTubbies started to pile the corpses and left them to rot,the narrator said "YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE BOUGHT THIS TAPE, NOW THEY SUFFERED LIKE YOU WILL NOW." The TeleTubbies Exploded into blood as the Background went on fire for no reason and everything was destroyed.
Me, I took the disk out and I flushed it down my toilet, I realized it was really late and I was hungry but I didn't have anything at home to eat so I decided to go to my local Burger King to get a whopping Whopper HUE HUE HUE.
So I got into my Cadiilac and drove down to to the parking lot and went into the restaurant one thing that made me gasp was that there were DVDS in the Bun sacks that were in the back that had THE SAME NAME ON IT "TeleTubbies.exe". I couldn't believe it, WAS that how that guy got the disc? I didn't under stand what was going on so I ordered a Whopper combo with a Icee, but the cook at the back was looking so strange, the cook at the back was wearing a Green animal suit that looked like- O M G he was a DIPSY!, and the Janitor too was wearing a Tinky Winky one, and the Hobo sleeping on a table was wearing a La La suit, and then the cashier was wearing a Po suit, I realized that this couldn't be true.
I admit I was scared, but that didn't mean I was about to ask what the hell the disk was about until I received my Whopper combo. "ENJOY SI?" He said as I was pushed into a table. About halfway in my burger all of a sudden the restaurant was empty and I was getting nervous.all of a sudden A guy stumbled out of the back with a Knife in his chest and yelled out "DONT TRUST THE WORKERS THE FOOD IS-" But died instantly on the floor, I noticed the Dipsy guy from earlier and he said
"You should of never watched that DVD........HUE HUE HUE HUE" And he disappeared in a puff of smoke.. I could of sworn that he looked like one of the Demonic TeleTubbies from the DVD for a split second before vanishing.
And then....a Zombie-like guy jumped out of the counter, now what was more screwed up is that he had a tin trash can lid for a shield he was holding and he had a butcher knife in the other, he looked like...Adolf Hitler for some reason and he was wearing a Godamn Kilt mixed with a Nazi officer uniform top. He charged at me but I started running around in circles dodging the Hitler Shield Man as I reached for my 9mm Uzi that I always carry with me in tough situations. I shot at him but he took the bullets in like BBs and eventually I ran out of clip. As I lost breath he was about to charge at me but instead--
The Hitler Shield Man dropped the Tin shield as he grabbed my Whopper and chopped up some bacon and put it on my Burger, " Enjoy it friend." he said in a half scottish- half German accent as he jumped into the deep fryer and dissapeared.
I decided to finish my whopper, as I did I felt very dizzy and I fell unconscions and prepared for the worst.......
I woke up after in what seemed to be an waiting room. I felt really weird and my head felt unusually large and almost pinhead-like, my body felt fuzzy and tingly at the same time. I saw a mirror and looked at it , I was purple and I looked like an adorable creature from a TV show, I WAS A GODAMN TELETUBBY, I couldn't have believed it I was overreacting and scared shitless out of my mind, I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming but It was actually real.
And then a door opened, it was the Hitler shield man standing there. He said to me "The Masteer needs to speak with you." And he led me down to a huge office like room where someone was sitting at a huge desk eating Pasta while reading Creepypastas about Pasta.
"So, I see now that you are here..." The person in the desk said. "I've waited a long time now that you are here, in my world, I am pleased with your work Mr. Hitler shield man."
"Whatever as long as I get my cut I'll be on my way back to DEUTSCHLAND" and so he nodded and disappeared.
"So, my friend how do you feel?"
"What the hell have you done to me??????"
"Pipe down, don't worry this is natural to be a TELETUBBY in this world."
"World?, what world?"
Why, my friend you're in TELE Hell!!!!!"
And so, a big window opened and revealed a huge city, and as I looked down below at the streets I saw TeleTubbies..all having bloodshit hyper-realistic eyes a lake that was seen was drowned in blood and guts and 7 demon sun babies were in the sky laughing at the poor buggers down below, apparently I was on top of what looked like the World Trade Center.
"Now, enough of them, let's talk about......"
Lights were put on and the mysterious person turned out to be... THE GUY FROM THE GARAGE SALE2:;:3(/(;!(/;?/;(.
"So it was you who did this??!?!?"
"YES,and a smart way to do it too,you see What I did was that I discovered this land after digging so many miles underground from the earth and decided to create my own colony away from the sinkholes of the foul Earth, and what better way to do then MAKE EVERYONE TELETUBBIES!, you see I corporates with Burger King to Sell my DVDS that would make people want to eat at BK, So when people ate a BK the Whoppers would be stuffed with DVD pieces that they ate that were filled with a chemical agent that made them go mad and see Hitler Shield man so they could be brought here and transformed into TeleTubbies so I can create my Empire to take over the WORLD!!! HAHAHAHA-AHHHHH!"
I started to strangle him as hard as I could but before he would die he went and pressed a button that said Emergency, press if on last breath. And then he instantly blew up taking half the floor with him.
Me, though I was okay but then I realized that something was coming toward the Trade Center.
I realised that it was September 11th and that-
"I gotta get outta here!" I said.
I noticed a Terminal in the far corner, so I used my super ultra mega nerd hacking skills to had the Terminal and access some commands.
One command was to open a Portal back up top, another was to blow up the whole city, and another was to re enact 9/11 which was already connected to the button that the guy pressed to also kill himself in the process.
So I decided to choose all three and as luck went everything went according to plan
# Get to the Portal
# Make sure I don't die
# Watch as the Old croaks work is all but ash along with the TeleTubbies. And that's what happend, I eventually made it back up to earth and was turned back into my normal self and all the DVDS were destroyed. A few days later TeleTubbies was pulled from the air only to be cancelled and never shown again, I on the other hand lived out my life peacefully and never again did I have to look back on what happend 21 years ago.
So I guess I'll have to say