
My name is Tom. I used to be a huge fan of the game Terraria when I was a kid, but I can't play it anymore because I'm in college. But when summer break started, I wanted to get back in to playing video games again. On my way to somewhere, I found a garage sale being run by an old man. I parked next to his house and looked at what he was selling. I saw a Terraria disc without the sticker on it, but it had tape on it that said "terraria.exe" in permanent marker. I told the old man that I wanted to buy it. He asked me if I was sure and told me that it might be broken. Despite all of the creepypastas I've read before, I bought it from him. I drove back to my dorm and put the disc in my laptop. I couldn't wait to relive my childhood. I booted up the game, and it started like it normally did. I went to the character select screen and saw a player called called "STOP NOW". The player had bloody eyes and hyperrealistic blood all over him. I just deleted the character, and for a few frames it looked like the water was red and the sky was red. I just shrugged it off as a glitch and continued to make my character. I was too excited to play the game so I just went with the default appearance. Then I went to the world select screen. There was already onecalled "TURN AROUND". It was a crimson world that was in hardmode. I just deleted it and made a newone. Once the world loaded, I spawned in acorruption biome. I knew that you shouldn't usuallyspawn in one, but I thought it was just a glitch. Boywas I wrong. I decided to chop down some trees tomake a house. I built one out of the wood, andimmediately the guide moved in. I talked to him and he said "STOP HERE". I figured it was just anotherglitch and moved on. Then the background turned into the crimson background and the music turnedcompletely silent. I was starting to get scared. Then the Brain of Cathoolu appeared out of NO WHERE!!!!! I beat it with my copper shortsword and it died. I was then teleported in to the underworld. The guide appeared in front of me and said "I TOLD YOU TO STOP". Then the guide died and right in front of me the WALL OF FLESH APPEARED!!!!!!!!! Despite my gut feeling to turn off my pc, I was toocurious, so I tried to fight it. The Wall of Flesh hit me and did 666 damage, killing me. Then a voice out of no where said "I TOLD YOU TO STOP". Then I got forced back to the title screen. The water in the background looked like hyperrealistic blood, the skywas red, and the trees, plants, and grass were red. I went to the player select screen, and my characterwas stained with blood and was called simply "DECEASED". I clicked on the player and went to the world select screen. The only world was crimsonand it was called "LAST CHANCE". I clicked on it and I spawned in the underground crimson. Then the brain of Cathoolu appeared again, but this timeit had lots of blood on it. The guide's voice said "IT'S TOO LATE" and laughed evilly. The Brain ofCathoolu zipped very fast around the screen and did 666 damage to kill me. The guide cackled again.The game crashed and shut down my computer,and it won't turn on again.
The next day I was feeling bad so I went to the hospital. They said I had severe epilepsy, but theycouldn't find out the cause. I heard the guide's cackle in my head again. I didn't just think about it, I actually heard it. This is a warning. Included in this letter is the disc that the game is on. I don't know what will happen if you play it, but you must burn itbefore it harms anyone else. I think it might have given me more then just epilepsy. Just burn the disc quickly.