
It was another casual Mayro Monday whilst I was browsing the Steam Store looking for pussy. Before I knew it I had found what I was looking for... Tesco Simulator. "SHEEEEIT!!" i screamed so loud I ripped my vocal chord.

= 2 Months Later =

I grew back another vocal chord and decided to download dat shit. It was 420gb and i only had 1kb as i was using my Windows 98. I clicked to download and said to myself "m8 i need some mountain dew" that's when i went to Tesco. They had no Mountain Dew left so I said to a woman "im Zik Pen" and to my amazement it worked and i got laid.
= 12381297 years later =
I was getting laid for 12381297 years. When I stopped I became a spooky scary skeleton.