
Too long? Here's a drunken scottish robot reading it. Enjoy!
I invited a few friends over for a little thing we have called Movies on Monday where, you guessed it, watch movies on Monday. When they came It was 5:00 PM and I let them sit down, I asked them what movie. Zach, my friend said he was in the mood for Action. Kaadin, who was also my friend, agreed.
"How about The Hunger Games?" Zach suggested. I hesitated, and said yes. "But I don't own the movie," I said. Kaadin interrupted "Just get it off The Pirate Bay, you wuss!"
So, I did the logical thing, while Zach and Kaadin were playing on my Xbox, I just searched up the movie on The Pirate Bay, and I saw it. A little thing I noticed was that there were 666 seeders, but I thought it was a coincidence. I downloaded uTorrent (Yeah, I forgot about that) and then the Torrent. The download was pretty quick.
I told my friends the movie was done downloading. I told Zach to set up the laptop to the TV because I insisted, "I don't know shit" Once he had the laptop all plugged in I opened the movies folder and clicked on the file "TheHungerGames.avi"
The movie started, but it just skipped the whole beginning part and went straight to the scene where the games begun. The grass had blood all over it, as well as guts. Zach jumped and said "Fuck, this movie is way more brutal then I thought!" The announcer for the game said "Welcome to the 26th annual Hunger Games!" Kaadin pointed out, "26th? I thought it was the 25th."
The announcer stood there, after five seconds he screamed garbled, Japanese words. I asked Zach if he knew Japanese, he translated the text and he said "Well fuck man, of course I don't know Japanese"
A distorted screen of Katniss Everdeen popped up, it had static noises in the backround and faint whispers that sounded like cries of help.
Kaadin panicked, he ran to my laptop, and tried to close out the movie, the movie stopped and for a second we thought it was over. The movie turned back on and said "You thought you could escape? Well how would you like to die, Kaadin?"
Everyone was scared stiff, Kaadin started running to the kitchen, we heard him scream. The voice in the movie said "Oh, what a shame." the movie turned to a screenshot of Kaadin, guts spilled, decapitated, you could almost see what looked like "SAVE ME" written in blood. Zach laughed "This is just a j-joke? Right? A sick joke? Heh."
"Holy... holy fuck" I whispered. "Zach, this is no joke. I ''fucked'' up, man. I killed Kaadin and now we are both going to get killed"
Zach was about to burst into tears, "No, no, you are joking, heh, silly comedian Ed, hah!" Zach said, "Well, good party, man, heh, well, me and Kaadin are going to go home now... right Kaadin...?" Zach heard deep gargles from the cabinet in the kitchen. "W-what was that?" Zach walked to the pantry and opened it, I screamed "''ZACH STOP"''
The bloody corpse of Kaadin was in the cabinet, Zach stared in shock. "No, no, no, this can't be happening, i'm just dreaming, right?"
The movie turned into deep gargles and said in a slow, demonic voice, "You can't escape from reality, Zach."
Zach screamed " I can't fucking take this anymore!" he ran to my door and tried opening it, it was locked. He started knocking and banging on it "FUCK! F-FUCK!" Zach stopped and walked back slowly, he fell to the floor.
"Zach? ZACH!" I screamed, as I ran to him. He had a knife lodged in his heart, he was bleeding and coughing up blood. "This... this is all your fault... E-Ed


"All I wanted to fucking do was a watch a fucking movie!" I screamed "Just kill me, you piece of shit! Come out!"
The demonic voice from the movie said "''You can't escape from fate,


I passed out and woke up. Zach and Kaadin stood beside me. "Woah dude, you invited us over and when we came in you were passed out on the floor." Zach said. "Let's just watch a damn movie" Kaadin said
I stood up and had a confused look on my face. "What time is it?" Zach looked at Kaadin and said "5:00 PM."
Kaadin said "Lets just skip though this explaining bullshit. What movie?" Before I had time to ask questions, Zach said "How about The Hunger Games"
I heard a whisper in my head, "You can't escape fate, Ed."