
I was whacha ya could call a typical average teenage boy, except I wasn’t and had a sick and dark sense of humor and was even in atheist. But everyone a round me were just normies. I cuddn’t help being the special snowflake i am. Peepz tried to say im autism and had ass burgers but i just ignored them and said they were just haters.

So did I mention that I love lost media? I have a youtube chanell in the description [because we dont want this little boy getting hurt or raped weeve decided not to put his youtube channel in this desciption].

So one day I was trying to find sum lost media I could cover on my channell. My friend told me their was a garage sale that I cud check.

I said sure and we went.

I was rummaging threw some old junk @ the sale and found a black CD case, almost like a playstation1 one, except all black. And it had a piece of Staples tape on it that had text written on it with a Sharpie marker that spelled out: THE SESAME STREET EXPERIMENT in thick capital letters just like that. It was a little spooky but I decided to buy it anyways. I took it up to the table in the front where an old crusty man sat @. He kinda looked like a rapist or KKK member but I was probaly just being stereo typical. He said that the game was haunted and what not. But he was probaly old and crazy like the old man fuckwad he is. i was also eyeing at a SONY WALKMAN with a LINKIN PARK tape in it [on another table]. So I bought the CD went home and sat down. I felt like masturbating to some FAIRY TAIL hentai b4 putting the disc in, after comtemplating 4 a little while i decided to just jack off anyway [this part was cut when being moved to this site as it was too graphic for you kids @ home to read]. After that, i put the disc into my MACINTOSH IMAC MADE BY APPLE which was the best  computer evar! I then slit it in and turned on my mac. Althouh, it made a weird noice that sounded like a distorted Elmo and for like 5 miliseconds I swear I saw an Elmo flash on the mac startup screen with a bloody knife in his hands and his eyes just all black. I didnt know if his eyes were torn out or just black since it went by so fast. His fur also looked…..different. It was more jaggy and standed up like he was triggered or put off by me or….something. I could see the nostrils in his nose. I remember those old episodes of SESAME STREET and i never remember seeing Elmo’s nostrils [from his nose] in the show. I haven’t watched it in a while but i still dont remember seeing his nostrils like that. Maybe this picture of Elmo i just saw was hyper-realistic and was done by some fuckboy in PHOTOSHOP. i was starting to wonder weather or not the disc i put in was hacked and i got a little scared and nervous. My mom would kick my ass if she found out i got my computer a virus.

But after that quick flash my computer turned on normally. I signed in and opened up GOOGLE CHROME so I could search up my youtube channel to see how well i was doing with views and suscribers. I went to my channel and checked out my stats and graphs. I then saw that I gained 10 more subs and one of my videos even had almost 1k views!!!! I hope nobody subbotted me or anything like that. I then decided to start work on a new video so I could get even more popular than before. I opened up ADOBE PREMIERE and decided it would be a good idea to make a video on the CD I just got. As THE SESAME STREET EXPERIMENT was a lost documentary about how the long-running television series: SESAME STREET effected young children and how they learned. It premiered at a museum in New York around the late 80’s but has never broadcasted on TV or even put on home video. An incomplete segment can be found on youtube but that’s the only knowledge that the public have of it. Who knows? Maybe the film was destroyed years ago. But from the clips I’ve seen it seems like it was perfectly normal for kids to watch.

So why did they ever not re-release it? The Muppet Wiki has been trying to talk to the government about why they’ve kept it a secret for all these years. I bet the boys @ the Wiki will be quite excited that i’ve possibly founded the full documentary. I go to QUICKTIME PLAYER to play the file on my computer. Hopefully, it was an mp4 or mp3 file so it would work on my mac. After waiting for a while, the clip finally loaded. I decided it would be a good idea to watch the footage see what i could get out of it.

I watched for a little while.

It first started out with the normal title card and opening, just like how I remembered. Elmo got in front of the screen, along with Big Bird, and Grover, and Cookie Monster, and Bert and Ernie, and Snuffleupagus, and Abby Cadabby, and Oscar the Grouch, and a whole bunch of nice children. It was truly a nostalgia trip. They were singing the classic: “SUNNY DAYS, SWEEPING UP, CLOUDS AWAY, CAN YOU TELL ME HOW TO GET, HOW TO GET TO SESAME STREET”.  But then, something suddenly weird happened, I saw for a split sec, I saw a shadowy figure with blood tear drops dripping down there face, with a knife, and blood on the knife. All you saw were dead children on the flore, with gore everywhere 2. It was a sinister laugh coming from some where. I knew it was from the episode, but it felt like it was actually in the room [like someone was in the room actually laughing maniac-ally]. But I shrugged it off, i thought it might’ve just been me and my skitzofrenia, i did forget to take my MEDS today.

Any ways, I carried on with the rest of the episode. It cross disolved into the scene. We were on Sesame Street like always. Kids were doing jumprope and whistling classic tunes like always. Oscar’s trashcan was on the street as always. Though for some reason the camera stayed on it for an awfully long time, i was almost waiting for Oscar to come out, but he didn’t, I was then starting to yell at my monitor, WAKE UP OSCAR!, like the show probably wanted me to do. Oscar then popped out. I got excited, but then I realized Oscar was crying. He was sad, which is a first for Oscar i believe to be true. Oscar was crying, i didn’t know why, maybe he lost his pet worm. I felt bad and put my hand on the screen. I did it for Oscar. Oscar’s great friend Bruno the Trashman then came around to probaly help Oscar.

Bruno picked Oscar up.

But, Oscar looked scared.

He was yelling and weeping to have Bruno let him go!

Danny just had the same dull face on. He then took Oscar and threw him in the dumptruck!!!!1 Why would Bruno do that!?! Danny is supposed to be Oscar’s friend… Bruno then took a shovel, I was worried what was going to happen. Bruno then took the shovel and slammed it over Oscar’s head, he then started stabbing Oscar with the shovel.

I was terrified.

I cringed and agonized in anguish. Danny then took his shovel out of the the big trashtruck with blood and even chunks of brains on the tip. Danny then for a split second stared at me and the other people who’ve had 2 unfortoonately watch this horror cock. After that terrible intro, an interviewer was heard in audio but not on the skreen. Butt[lol] her voice was distorted and weird and not normal and creepy. She sad that the show helps children become evil. What does that mean? She also sad it helped them kill their morbid enemies with guns and bullets.

I was so confused.

It then transiittioned w/ sum stock music from a gumy bottle vid on yt. It did a creepy trans-ition where blood poured down the skreen, and then we saw a guy who “claimed” to be a writer 4the show and he had to say that he loved working on the show and making the chilldren cry[otic] and suffer 4their crimes. He then started to cry blood and then he asked a guy who was probally holding da camera to help him out. His name was Otto Otic. The guy then ripped off his scin like a costume, and revealed to be Elmo™ in disguise like a Roger rabbit cartoon. Elmo then took a clever and shoved it up the writers’ butthole. I was amoused but then he stabbed him in the heart and i got skared again. Elmo then started laughin’ manic-ally and covered the camera like Heath Ledger Joker from Dark Knight the best movie ever. There was static 4a good 5.67 secs. I hope they didnt jumpskare me like horror movies with jason and freddy.

It then kleared and i saw satan himself!!!!!1 right on the skreen. I was on the verge of pooping myself. IT WAS THAT SKARY. Satan was interview’d by Kermit the Frog everyone’s fav fab fam Muppet™. He axed satan what was his favorite number, Satan sad it was 666.

I was in the most utttered of shok.

Elmo then asked satan what his favorite colour wuz, he sad:; red, BLOOOD RED!!!1

AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! I shreiked in terrify. Hyperrealistic Elmo then axed finally as his last answer: what Satan was planning on doing with the children. He sad he;ll torture then and see them cry as he loves to see them cry like little roasting bitches. He then sad he especially tortures bad little boys who think they’re heat shit. He and ELmo were manically laffing and i got skared. They then showed kermit who was now a dead runoveree car frog corpse. It then turned to skary static and it ended.

I soon reelized, the message they were trying to tell.

So i gave up being atheist and was a good christian little boy who didn’t want to do the second coming of 911.

But i was opressed because of it and soon cut myself and drank CLOROX BLEACH and just wanted to….